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Everything posted by BuffalOhio

  1. You *DID* get my Paypal, right? Thanks for all you do, Scott!
  2. Yeah, I noticed it. I also didn't get to see the botched fleaflicker which was cut out of the broadcast.
  3. I think you can blame Henry's injury on the OLine, too. If Bledsoe wouldn't have been running for his life, then he would've never thrown that ball to Henry. That was a busted play, and the OLine is what busted. It hasn't been fixed yet, either.
  4. Van Pelt can't possibly play this year. He had wrist and neck surgery. He hasn't officially retired, and he's leaving open the option of playing again if he feels good next year.
  5. Thanks for pointing her out. The cameraman kept doing closeups of her, and I was looking for pics of her. I think the cameraman thinks like we do!
  6. The game is Thursday, I believe at 8PM. It will be shown Saturday on NFL Network at 11AM. http://www.nfl.com/nflnetwork/schedule/0904
  7. http://www.colts.com/sub.cfm?page=cheerleaders
  8. Some of the closeups of those babes were pretty good. I like the high black (CFM) boots they wear, too. Nice Pom Poms......
  9. I thought it was funny when Chris Kelsay (white guy #90) made a ST tackle and the Colts announcer said, "Tackled by Eric Moulds". Um, hello. Don't you know that Moulds is the #1 receiver, is thinner than a DE, and is not white? What a joke!
  10. Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, and the host of other QB's that have Superbowl aspirations have one thing in common: They have about a month to survey the field before anyone gets near them. How do we expect this to be a good season when our QB gets about 2 seconds before getting lambasted? I'll say what others have been saying and I actually mean it: We are DOOOOOMED. This is gonna be a long season. I hope I'm wrong. We'll find out against Jacksonville, because they've got a very good defensive line.
  11. Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, and the host of other QB's that have Superbowl aspirations have one thing in common: They have about a month to survey the field before anyone gets near them. How do we expect this to be a good season when our QB gets about 2 seconds before getting lambasted? I'll say what others have been saying and I actually mean it: We are DOOOOOMED. This is gonna be a long season. I hope I'm wrong. We'll find out against Jacksonville, because they've got a very good defensive line.
  12. You think that after he gets drafted in April he's going to give two stevestojans about a degree? Puh-lease....
  13. Take her across the river and buy her a lap dance at Pure Platinum. That'll be good for you, too!!! Woo hoooo!
  14. Lithuania. Lithu-freaking-ania gets to play for the Gold. What an embarassment this is for our country.
  15. A cyst. What a kitty. Must've been a uterine cyst!
  16. Whoooooaaaaaa!!!!
  17. That's just killing me!!!!
  18. I like that tattoo. A good 'target'.....
  19. Didn't see it. What did Irvin say? Got any quotes?
  20. At least he's attending school and trying to better himself. Not that he's gonna graduate, but at least he's staying busy. What is Clarett doing these days?
  21. Didn't they put McGahee on the physically unable to perform (PUP) list last year. I think they can then make a decision on him after week (10?), either activate or IR. Just a guess, though.
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