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Everything posted by BuffalOhio

  1. My sister-in-law said my youngest nephew had 'em. I told her to just slap him a few times and he'd wake up. She didn't go for it. What do I know, I'm not a parent! I just wind 'em up and then hand 'em off to the parents! Being the uncle is cool!
  2. God I hate that guy. What a loudmouth jerk. I hope (as I always have) that someone folds his knees the wrong way when he's dancing around on the field. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Jackass!
  3. Kind of hard to have a verdict when nothing's actually mattered yet. I think they're looking better, but we'll have to wait and see (and hope!).
  4. I've got a Buckeyes Helmet and a Bills Helmet in the house, and upstairs we have 3 bedrooms. The master suite has gone untouched, but one bedroom is designated the Ohio Room (Buckeyes, Indians, Browns [yuck]) and the other bedroom is designated the Buffalo Room (Bills, Sabres, Braves Pennants and Memorabilia). We just painted our bathroom grey to go with the Scarlett OSU Shower Curtain, then we installed a Buckeyes Wall Border to finish it off. So yeah, Go Buckeyes and :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Blue!
  5. You could always keep on smoking, stay skinny, and then lose another 100lbs or so when you go on chemo. Uh, you made the right decision.
  6. That's a great idea. Kind of like the trucker's toilet that Burt Reynolds wore in that movie "Semi-Tough". He was in a boring seminar and then you heard the tinkling of the fluid against the metal can he had strapped to his leg. Then they just showed him with a smile of relief. You know the smile. We all know the smile. I think I'll stick with the pause button on my Tivo, however.
  7. That was a good read. Thanks for the link.
  8. I've only seen him on TV, usually holding a recorder behind a player/coach talking, but he looks like a pretty big dude. He could do in a bind.
  9. I've been peeing a lot. I do even more of that while I'm watching a game. Thank God for my Tivos (3 of them)!
  10. NJSue, Cablelady, and #89 at your house for a pregame pool party. I just might drive up from DC to be at that! woo hoo!
  11. As a Buckeye's fan (Wife's an alum), I was hoping we'd draft Will Smith. He was an animal in college. Good for him for doing well.
  12. Cordova's on IR with an ACL tear. Saw it on 'Jaguars Summer'. Great post. Thanks!
  13. I'd do 'er!!!
  14. I agree. Burns has shown nothing. Lawton gave a great block on Shaud's TD and had a nice catch/run on a screen. Shelton has shown us nothing either.
  15. Hey JS - There already is a club. It's at http://sabresreport.com/board Sign up. We're all Sabres fans over there! Make it 11 unless you were already counting me!
  16. If Drew likes having him around, then why don't they just hire him as an assistant to the QB coach after they do the injury settlement thing?
  17. Eat what? Oh, the SPIDER. I thought you meant something else.....
  18. Apparently, he's dumb as a stump..... Dumber 'na bag a hammers.... Stupid as a mud fence......
  19. Kelsay should've played more last year. He's way better than Denney.
  20. Ritzmann took the Autobahn to Quarterbachen for a sack of potatoes.....
  21. You said it right there. This team is loaded with talent. That means TD is doing his job. What's the problem?
  22. Maybe you can hire him to be your Cabana Boy, Cablelady!
  23. Hey Deeray, let's let the season happen first, 'kay? They haven't even played a game that counts yet, and you're talking about the next offseason. Lighten up, Francis.....
  24. I don't think that's going to happen. You should preorder the whole season right now from our man, Fezmid!
  25. I heard that Kate's Irish Pub in Springfield that has great wings. I haven't checked the evidence yet. http://yp.yahoo.com/py/ypMap.py?Pyt=Typ&tu...r:regT:16:fbT:4
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