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Everything posted by BuffalOhio

  1. Laux Sporting Goods if there's one near where you are. What do I know, I'm in freaking Virginia! Have fun at the game everyone!
  2. Wait 'til his contract is up. He's just not rockin' the boat like others do. Biding his time. He'll cash in quite handsomely.
  3. I think it might have to do with 'tired leg' syndrome, too. I think if a guy did both all the time, he'd lose distance on both fronts. Just a guess.
  4. Correctomundo!!!!
  5. I agree that Brady is a top 5 qb. I disagree on his O-Line. Maybe it's all relative, but I found myself saying, "Look how much time he has" on most of his passes last night. Could be that I'm used to watching our teams 'Set-Hut-Sack" routine, but he gets an awful lot of time to throw the ball.
  6. Yes. Essentially what you're doing is feeding the OUTPUT of the satellite receiver into two TV's, so whatever channel the receiver is tuned to is what you'll see on each TV.
  7. I read somewhere (USA Today I think) that the NFL plans to start each season with this Thursday game at the home field of the Superbowl Champion. Pretty Cool.
  8. Yeah, real good. Two fumbles.
  9. Just like Mark Rypien against the Bills in the SB. Good O'Line is the key to football success. When will people finally get that?
  10. Take a sledgehammer to the toilet. The ball will gently roll away unharmed.
  11. Just be careful when you pull apart the reflactor plate that you don't damage the framus. That could set off a whole chain reaction.
  12. I agree. She's super HOT! MILF!!!
  13. Happens all the time with my dog. Especially when she's attacking my new camera because she doesn't like the beeps it makes! What a riot!! http://members.cox.net/jckuhn/images/TrudyAttack.jpg
  14. From what I've seen, the only Bills game that we'll see in HD is the @ Patriots game on ESPN 11/14. Sucks. Oh yeah, the playoffs, too.
  15. It's usually Tasker paired with Criqui. Not sure where to find this. Have been searching, but can't come up with anything.
  16. Dante, Take this post to http://www.sabresreport.com/board and you'll get a better reception. I agree with your post. Team Canada looks awesome right now.
  17. Agreed. Her stupidity is annoying, but that's not what I'm concerned with at this point....
  18. "Singer Jessica Simpson revealed on Access Hollywood she needed "wardrobe" approval for the show." Well, the girl has D's, and if she needs wardrobe approval, then I'm gonna watch the show. D's man. D's!!!! I know she's annoying, but they're D's!!!! http://www.usatoday.com/sports/columnist/h...-hiestand_x.htm D's!!!! http://www.tinseltownonline.com/member_pho...ary/22-2468.jpg This one's for you, LA, and they're real! http://members.cox.net/jckuhn/images/NiceRack.gif
  19. What about Ohio State? It's gotta be close either way. There's a lot of Buckeyes on NFL rosters right now.
  20. No yardwork, no major concerns, lots of time to study his craft.....
  21. Actually, you don't piss on your hands, just all over that dump called Detroit. Nice city, pal.
  22. As long as that f'ng machine doesn't take your quarter!
  23. I can't remember which game it was, but I saw AS do an inside spin move this preseason. I think he's been working on it.
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