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Everything posted by BuffalOhio

  1. You can't be serious. He had absolutely no chance on the lateral. The DB got there as soon or sooner than the ball. The fumble on the 7 was followed a few plays later by Reese's INT. There was a 4 yard gain on the transaction.
  2. Bad angle and Wire in the same sentence. Where have I heard that before. I watched it again, and he takes a bad angle on every play. Time to end the experiment. Get well soon, Lawyer!
  3. My brother-in-law and his 3 brothers own Jegs. Yeah, Troy Coughlin. Some of you may have heard of him on ESPN Drag Racing. His little brother Jeg is more famous and a better racer. Anyway, I married his wife's sister, so technically, he's my brother-in-law. I got to take his Mercedes Benz CL600 out for a spin one day. It's got a V-12 in it. When you put it into reverse, the side view mirrors tilt downward. What a machine. All black, and as bad as it gets. After I drove it, I looked it up on the internet and almost stevestojan myself when I found out it's over $120K! http://www.csi-auto.nl/carview/mercedescl600.htm http://weaky.free.fr/images/fiches/de/merc...00_Coupe_00.jpg
  4. You've got to make the RIGHT play at the right time. Sure, it was great that he got that interception. He should have; it was batted right to him by Smith. The RIGHT play at the RIGHT time would've been to bat the ball down. It's 4th freaking down, why intercept a 45-yard pass when you can bat it down and gain 45 yards for your TEAMMATES by doing so? Don't be a hot dog; be a TEAM PLAYER. No, I don't want to cut him or bench him. I realize he's a really good player, but he's got to make the right plays when they're called for. He didn't do that. I don't want him to be cut; I just want him to wake up and make the right play. You just don't get it, do you?
  5. How does a guy 10 feet away not know that the guy who caught the ball stumbled and fell on his own. When he got up, he was fair game. What a bunch of crap.
  6. Well that ref ought to be canned. It was plainly evident that he wasn't down. Not by a longshot!
  7. I thought his butt his the ground before his feet. Shouldn't that be rule out?
  8. It's because we're tired of some of the stupid rules of the game. They could fix it by saying the ground *CAN* cause a fumble. That way, a fumble is a fumble is a fumble. No judgement required on the part of the idiot refs.
  9. I don't care about either of those teams, but I was yelling at the screen when the KC receiver fell down, then got up, and as he was getting up (with both knees off the ground), he got drilled from behind and fumbled before hitting the ground. Of course, Denver recovered, but the idiot refs ruled he was down by contact, which is not reviewable. That rule has got to go. It cost Denver a TD against, because KC scored right after that. I think they should let the play happen, then if someone wants to challenge, then so be it, but GD man, get it right! Should have been Denver's ball. Man, I was really pissed at that, because it happens all the time. They've got to change that rule! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: idiot refs!
  10. Same thing can happen on a Tivo. You just have to go with the local channel if it's on local. Where do you live?
  11. They're forcing you to watch the local broadcast. It helps them get the advertising dollar. It sucks, but that's the way it is. Pay attention to your local broadcast schedule, and if the game you want to watch is on a local channel, that's where it will be.
  12. Agreed. We should've kept Winfield over Clements (I know, Clements' contract isn't up).
  13. Two years ago. Overtime catch and TD against da Bears. Never say NEVER. EVER.
  14. Sorry Dave, you just DO NOT try to intercept passes on FOURTH DOWN. Why would you unless it's an out-pattern and you've got clear sailing to the End Zone. If he bats that ball down, the Bills get the ball at the line of scrimmage.
  15. I think you finally hit it on the head. I found myself watching yesterday and I felt like something was wrong, or something was missing. I wasn't all hyped up like I usually am. Right now, I don't have faith like I used to.
  16. I thought his ass hit out of bounds before his feet landed.
  17. He looks "Squirmy" to me. He's right in the pile with guys all around him, and next thing you know, he's falling down 4 yards further. He's very patient. I like what I see.
  18. Not Damion. Daimon. Nobody seems to be able to get this guy's name right. http://www.nfl.com/players/playerpage/1739
  19. Hey Nate - if you just knock it down on 4TH DOWN, you get the ball at the LOS, retard!
  20. And only 3 points to show for it.
  21. Right on! Going for stats and a bigger paycheck. Idiot!
  22. Drew had Shelton wide open. He could've lobbed a ball over the defenders to Shelton for the clinching TD.
  23. Lee Evans recovered Campbell's fumble. That was a positive impact. Lighten up.
  24. Here's a quote from him: "I'm going to look back at that one on film and kick myself," Clements said. "I should have played it safe. We didn't need an interception at that point. We needed the ball so we could run out the clock." Idiot!!!!
  25. Dude, It's 4th and forever. KNOCK THE GD BALL DOWN! Stop going for the pick. It's 4th F'ng down! Knock it down!!! Gaaahhhhhh!!!!!
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