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Everything posted by BuffalOhio

  1. I was laughing, too. It was comical how they couldn't stop Rodgers and Matthews. Comical. Very sad. I was laughing at Kelsay trying to cover Finley. Now THAT was funny! And sad, too. It's gonna be a long season. Then there will be a lockout. It's gonna suck for awhile.
  2. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! This is the Patriots, AT their stadium. NOTHING good will come from this.
  3. Our O-line has been ignored for 10 years or more..... The Lions scored 32 points today with a backup QB. We're worse than they are....
  4. Very objective, derived from several scouts who were at the Dolphins game. It's right on. Roster Analysis
  5. 0-4 is a definite possibility. New England's offense looks unstoppable. Brady had ALLLLLLLLLLL day to throw yesterday. We're doooooomed. Green Bay will destroy us, and so will the Jets. I hope I'm wrong!
  6. Not yet, but we're headed there.....
  7. He's tweeted since the hit, so I guess he's OK... http://twitter.com/BGhee
  8. And Lankster makes a comeback!
  9. I think the play calling on offense is head and shoulders above what it has been for a looooooong time. Calling the right plays at the right times is crucial, and I think Mr. Gailey gets that. It's nice to see. Oh, and Spiller is Gold, Jerry, Gold I tell ya!
  10. Goodbye Mr. Lankster, we hardly knew ye....
  12. Ummmm......Katrinia was 2005.....
  13. When he got tackled and had HIS hand in the other dude's facemask, I was expecting him to act hurt when he got up. I didn't see any of that, but I guess he was. Damn.
  14. Grew up in West Seneca, joined Coast Guard, moved around between the Great Lakes and Virginia, now retired from Coast Guard, living near Cleveland. That's all you're getting.
  15. I wish I'da done that! I simply called to cancel this new thing that they sprung upon us, and got a discount. That makes me super happy!
  16. If you are an existing customer, you should soon receive in the mail a letter explaining changes to Sunday Ticket. READ IT CAREFULLY. Red Zone, Shortcuts, HD, and Game Mix are all now included in the Sunday Ticket Price. My original price was $300.00. SuperFan is now Sunday Ticket-to-Go, which allows you online viewing and mobile viewing. It costs an additional $50.00 AND YOU WILL BE CHARGED UNLESS YOU CALL TO CANCEL IT. IT WILL AUTOMATICALLY RENEW. By calling to cancel it, the guy on the phone canceled it for me and gave me $60.00 off Sunday Ticket. Ask to speak to Premium Services. I look at my bill now (and I just called this afternoon), and I see a credit labeled "NFL SUNDAY TICKET 2010 - $10/6mosNFLSave" on it. Even if you don't want to cancel anything, call and ask about this promotion. $240.00 is a pretty good price!
  17. I think he wants to know if anyone on this board was actually at Superbowl 25. I was not.
  18. Halftime adjustments. That's was the biggest problem with that team. They NEVER made them. Just kept calling the same plays that weren't working in the first half. I loved that team, but that always pissed me off.
  19. I love his antics and wish the league would let him get away with more of it. It's good for the game, and he doesn't take it too far. He's a good guy with a big heart. Need more like him in the world.
  20. Lynch. He's dumb enough to do it, fo sho!
  21. I had Duff's once, and only once. I thought they sucked. Could've been a bad night for them, but I'll never go back.
  22. Dropping balls? Are you serious? Dude's got great hands.
  23. It's OK, they won't miss you at all.
  24. If she puts out on a regular basis now, then don't marry her. You know what they say about wedding cake, right?
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