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Everything posted by johnwalter

  1. so... you're saying there's a chance?
  2. ive got this feeling DC is going to break the field goal distance record this sunday.
  3. Yes - I believe I saw a thread on this yesterday, although I'm struggling to find it now - perhaps it was removed. Had a GIF and everything.
  4. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/173668-a-few-thoughts-about-the-game-in-no-particular-order/
  5. Bleacher Report hoping on the bandwagon! Not that that means much...
  6. Frankly, I'm surprised everyone's taking issue because of 2013 Peyton and not 1989 Montana.
  7. So, 1-for-4 in "big games" ? I think I'll stick with Rodgers.
  8. Over 2013 Peyton. Manning just doesn't an ounce of clutch in his belly. In his biggest games - 2013 Peyton failed: his return to Indy, his Brady showdown, and his Superbowl.
  9. Playoffs? Don’t talk about — playoffs? You kidding me? Playoffs? I just hope we can win a game! Another game.
  10. If Tom Brady and Peyton Manning belong in the GOAT conversation, so does Rodgers. Year after year, AA-Rod performs at ridiculous levels, and while people recognize him as great, he remains under-appreciated. If I had to win a game tomorrow, I'd take 2014 Rodgers over any other quarterback in NFL history.
  11. is kiko on the sidelines this year? or at home?
  12. if we beat the browns, that KC loss, the pain of which has almost faded from my system, is going to creep back into my nightmares. just fall on the ball scott, just f*cking fall on it.
  13. not that this is alone is a good reason to fire marrone (i'd like to give him another year, possibly with a new OC) but marrone's post-game locker-room speeches really suck. every time one of those videos drops on the BB website, well, i never feel as unmotivated as i do while watching that man speak.
  14. knowing EJ, they probably called a pass and EJ checked out of it at the LOS because thats how EJ rolls
  15. I'm sure it's been mentioned elsewhere - but this is the third straight Jets game in which we have forced a QB - benching. love it
  16. belichick is the GOAT. simple as that.
  17. would the game have gone down at the ralph even if it had a roof?
  18. i remember before the draft hearing mayock talk about borland as one of the smartest and most instinctive LBs to come out this decade. always happy to see the smart, less-athletic guys succeed.
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