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Everything posted by johnwalter

  1. would love to see Tony Sparano on our sideline! dude fired up one of the most depressing locker room of the NFL's last decade.
  2. is a mouse in the room like... a fly on the wall or?
  3. misses: better than i expected: odell beckham worse than i expected: calvin pryor hits: as good as i thought he'd be: aaron donald as bad as i thought he'd be: eric ebron on a per game basis (he missed 4 games) OBJ is posting one of the most remarkable rookie seasons the league has ever seen.
  4. greg popovich!
  5. this seems mildly racist
  6. Oakland isn't really like that. But if you're from east of the Mississippi I'd get Asian food and Mexican food in SF.
  7. I'll be there! Still undecided between blue & red vs. neutral colors. It's hard out here.
  8. to be fair (and i like whaley), the qb position is his responsibility, just like all the others.
  9. can someone who understands OL play answer this for me, it's something i've always wondered: is Eric Wood a good center? Top 20? Top 10? Top 5? i get a lot of very mixed messages about his talent-level.
  10. ... seemed pretty important at the time, if i remember correctly.
  11. no way in hell flacco's off the ravens, he's quietly having a dynamite season. same goes for newton (he'll be tagged if necessary). kaepernick should be back in sf next year too, he has too much potential to be given up on so quickly. dalton and palmer are intriguing, but i suspect they'll be back as well. cutler, well, culter may very well be available, and honestly, i have no freaking clue if im interested.
  12. really love what whaley's brought to the table in terms of defensive evaluation (which, i believe, was his background/specialty). still, its a little hard to watch odell beckham jr look like michael f*cking jordan out there while we chill without a 2015 first round pick. all-around though, i wouldn't dare fire whaley after the great job he's done. he's a QB away from putting together a super-bowl roster, and he deserves his kudos.
  13. we can go ahead and add odell to that list.
  14. i would also gladly take a not-so-sound defeat of the patriots.
  15. I look at it this way. The Pats are the Pats. We lost to the Pats... **Disclaimer: I have hope!
  16. interestingly using espn's playoff machine: http://espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs/machine , if you choose teams to win by their power ranking (which you can do by selecting "power ranking" from the "select criteria" drop-down), then change only the outcome of the wk 17 bills-patriots game, this outcome would put us in the 6th seed.
  17. after extra points, 2-point-conversions, safeties, and feild-goals, but not after the touchdowns themselves. granted, he could have made that a little more clear.
  18. 27 responses, zero actual answers. good work TBD, this is why i love you.
  19. perhaps 3/7 of the song. ;-)
  20. this wont be popular, but i never liked the shout song, it just doesnt get me fired up... like at all. need to upgrade our fan songs.
  21. has had a phenomenal year otherwise and was a big part of how the browns had been winning with almost nothing else on offense other than solid OL. thats what made the hughes by so impressive.
  22. i'm going to the raiders game (i live in san francisco) - think i'll get a hard time wearing red and blue? a chargers fan got beat pretty good a few years back at the black hole.
  23. im not sure of this, but i believe we only have a shot at the 6th seed, and have been eliminated from contention for the 5th seed - but i may be wrong. was just trying to answer your question!
  24. if they meet the 6th seed in the conference title game
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