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Everything posted by johnwalter

  1. that looks pretty bad to me...
  2. peters forced us into it, so i'm not sure if it counts, but that was pretty bad. lost a HOFer. could say the same about marshawn.
  3. hire is two syllables :/
  4. semi - incoherent, but i'm totally on-board. take it from an (ex) ingram fantasy owner, that dude balled-out when healthy.
  5. "I know EJ is somebody that we looked at when he came out. I think the entire league did. I feel like he has a lot of traits that you look for in a quarterback. He's smart, he's dedicated. I think he has movement skills. I'd like to see him use his legs more than he has. Sometimes, just like we mentioned through coaching and even playing quarterback, I think a little more experience the better you are going to be. The more comfortable you are going to be. He'll certainly be given an opportunity here." I thought this was by far the most interesting/revealing thing Rex said at his introductory presser. Does this, plus the Roman hiring, indicate that Buffalo will be running a full-blown, read-option offense next season?
  6. Listening to the postgame, I got the feeling that he's very unlikely to come out this year. I'd take a flier on him in the 3rd though?
  7. this is what a good post looks like.
  8. so... we're not keeping schwartz or we are?
  9. in 60 seconds, how many different things can you think of that you can do with a paper clip?
  10. would be a dream come true, though. everything he touches turns to gold.
  11. i think its too late in his career to switch positions, especially to the defensive side of the ball
  12. als;kdfjsdfjasdfjlkhqowrifwepr';vfkvjvkjdfvdfksv
  13. word is he's going to the jags. ( per Around the NFL )
  14. schuab's fall has come with a drop-off in arm strength - that's not something you get back.
  15. i'm sure the date would probably end up going wide-right. but seriously, why the f*ck is this a thread, we're only 1 day into the offseason...
  16. Could Aaron Rodgers be available? Wait, f*ck.
  17. id take bradford over sanchez any day.
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