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Ralph W.

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Posts posted by Ralph W.



    i might have missed it but from what ive gathered it sounded like he simply denied a request to be questioned, not like he wasnt cooperating with a warrant. frankly, theres nothing he could really do once they showed up, good or bad, besides get out of the way and let them do their search.




    there are a ton of GREAT officers. a WIDE majority. but if you get stuck with one of the bad ones, you can get yourself into real trouble by participating.

    Yea this was on SC I think they were talking to Shefty and really made it sound bad. Coming up again I am gonna wait and listen to what they have to say to see if it sounds as bad the second time. Might just be my hatred of the pats that is making it sound worse.

  2. I think an appropriate response to the police if you know you are not involved in any way with respect to the topic of their investigation is to say:


    "I'm sorry, officer, I don't believe I have any information to share but if you insist on questioning me I'd like to make sure my lawyer is also present so I don't say anything that might possibly be miscontrued."


    There's really nothing anyone can dispute about taking that position.

    The way they make it sound is he was being very uncooperative while they were trying to search his house.



    No, they hate him because he screwed his home town team over. They hate him because he acted dishonorable in doing it. Many leave, many pick where they want to live and work... No big deal. BUT they don't do it the way he did it. That is why they hate him, IMO. @ least do it with grace and dignity. They hate him because he is a dirtball.


    Is that not a reason? I am a hater for that sole reason.


    We went to Cedar Point the last 4 days... I was in Meijer late after the Spurs won game 5. I didn't know who won so I asked one of the guys stocking... They said Spurs, I was happy... But not to offend, I made sure nobody was a Heat fan. The look I got was priceless! Then in a flash, it dawned on me... I am freaking 60 miles from Cleveland... Like DUH! We all agreed on what I said above... That Lebron is a dirtball on how his choice played out... NOT that he made a choice, that there should still be an ounce of honor in this world. Seeing him succeed is rewarding that dishonor.


    Just my 2 cents...

    Lol he didnt do anything wrong. He was there for so long and the team didn't surround him with anyone. They had their chance. Most other star players would have left earlier if they didn't get help but LeBron stayed.


    Oh and the way he did it? You mean raising money for charity on the broadcast? Don't get angry at LeBron get angry at Cleveland's ownership for failing to surround LeBron like the Bulls did with MJ.

  4. WCVB Boston is reporting that the victim has been ID's as semi-pro football player Odin Lloyd.




    The connection to Hernandez? Lloyd's family told WBZ-TV in Boston that he dated the sister of Aaron Hernandez's girlfriend.

    Now all those thoughts of the guy did something wrong to his gf sister and Hernandez "took care of him" are entering my head. GUILTY

  5. Yep...he was awesome at passing the ball and looking timid all game....thank Ray Allen and his miracle 3 for preserving your ability to retort on this subject matter.



    Lbj 1 MJ 6. Get at me in a few years like I stated earlier...

    LeBron is statistically better in elimination games the Jordan. Was a fun thing to hear about in SC this morning.



    most of us disagree pretty regularly. if you want to be a martyr over it, so be it.

    See exactly what I was getting at that would happen if I respond. How do I intelligently answer this without getting bashed by the home crowd.

    It's lose lose being the new guy I understand that but it doesn't mean I need to agree with something for the sake of it. Why is it my fault if someone wants to argue with me.



    ill take the time to elaborate - i cant speak for everyone but ive seen some similar comments directed towards you in several threads.....


    it seems you bust in simply with "no your wrong" but not a lot of substance behind it. it doesnt bring a lot to the discussion, and when people bring contradictory points to discuss your response often seems to amount to "yea but your wrong" and it often comes across as arguing for the sake of just being right, instead of discussion. you dont have to agree with anyone, but if you can put together well thought out reasoning behind your opinions you will probably see people receive you better. youll still butt heads with people, as do all of us, but i think youll gain some respect for atleast backing up your opinion instead of just saying "whatever"

    If I say I don't do that then you will try to bash me more. So I will say I don't know exactly what you're talking about. I agree with other people and provide information on other instances. I guess though since I am new here people want to attack the guy that doesn't think like them. Sad really.



    but shouldn't posters at times be agreeable in order to engender further discussion?



    Someone tells me an apple is an orange I am not going to agree with him just so he can talk about it. The same can be said for the people that argue with me they have the same chance to be agreeable. Anyway none of that matters since we won't hear anymore about his till he either signs or July 15.



    goofy question, but let's give it a shot: can anyone other than yourself be right? just thinking.



    Yea lots of people are right in this thread which is why you see me agreeing with them and not arguing with them... I don't understand what you are talking about did I do something to wrong you?


    Is it me, or are you arguing with someone in every single active conversation you've got going?

    These are forums that is what you do in forums. What do you want me to do agree with things that are wrong? I don't know what you are trying to get at here other then you trolling right now.



    Who's saying anything about a conspiracy? The Bills have sucked for 13 years. Teams should not have extra rest for its 6 divisional games. Not a hard concept to grasp.

    If you can't beat them in regular season then you don't deserve to be in the playoffs doesn't matter "extra rest"



    Oh, you mean the part about how re-signing and taking care of your own engenders warm and fuzzy feelings throughout the locker room? That other players on the squad will see this positive glowing example of commitment by the organization and will want to stay when their time comes? That the other players will realize THIS is the team for me?


    That's a nice by-product, nothing more. None of that has ANY basis in contract negotiations. But if it helps support your narrative, then by all means, have at it.


    GO BILLS!!!

    Whatever you feel like go ahead.


  13. this statement doesn't make sense. "Pay Byrd now so you don't have a problem when you have to pay someone else later"




    Are you BatChit crazy?


    So what happens next year when wood wants a contract? What about in a few years when CJ is in the running for MVP of the league? What about another year or so after that when EJ starts turning into Colon Kaepernick and leading us into the playoffs? Oh, because we signed Byrd, they'll all sign for less. Got it. You don't make sense dude.




    Same topic, different argument, I don't have any clue about this, can someone please explain it to me? If Byrd doesn't get a new contract and is franchised (and I say IF becauae he doesn't have to sign it, but that's a different argument altogether) why is there a July deadline to negotiate a contract? Other players have been resigned during the season. Why can't this happen with Byrd? What's the reason for the July deadline? Can anyone explain that?

    You franchise Byrd this year you will still have to worry about him next year on top of the CJ and Woods will need to be paid. Having to pay 3 guys two of which big money in one season isn't good getting Byrd out of the way this year setting up the structure for down the road.


    As for your second part Byrd is given an exclusive franchise tag which if no deal gets done by July 15 and he signs his franchise tag then they cannot negotiate until the end of the league year.


    Previously, the window for a team signing its franchise player to a long-term deal closed not long after the free-agency period started and then opened again on July 15. Now, the window remains open until July 15.


    After July 15, the franchise player can sign only a one-year deal with his current team. It can be for more than the franchise tender, and it can include other terms, like playing-time or performance triggers that would prevent the tag from being used again.


    But the duration can be no more than one year.[/Quote]



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