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Ralph W.

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Posts posted by Ralph W.


    Assuming that a cleaning person is an illegal alien is what's offensive. If I really have to explain why, then just tell me. Otherwise, I'll assume you're smart enough to realize why it could be offensive.


    Hint - not offensive to illegal aliens. Could be offensive to someone who knows, or is, a cleaning person.

    Sigh you are just trying to turn a joke into a controversy. I'm not about to let you do that.



    99.9% of American players go to college. And the majority don't come close to making the NBA. If you make the NBA, you have worked extremely hard to get there.




    I agree with most of your other stuff but the LeBron hero worship is over the top. Face it, he took the easy route. The majority of the greats stay with their team until they win. LeBron had to join 2 other max contract guys because it was easier. That's cool but it definitely is going to taint his legacy to a lot of people.


    And this has been an amazing series. SA didn't get enough credit for how good they are. They play amazing team basketball. But it's hard to imagine them bouncing back from that last. If that was the Bills, I would have a broken TV.


    And Miami fans were the worst long before that last game. I couldn't care less for basketball but the reaction to fanatics especially the haters is priceless.

    Hero warship? I am just laughing at the hatred of a guy b.c he didn't stay with their team or go to someone elses. Not to mention people absolutely hate that LeBron is compared to MJ.


    I like how you said easy way out when MJ needed help also how easy people forget. Only difference the owner of the Bulls said yea let's surround you with these guys, and LeBron was forced to go to an owner that wasn't afraid to put together a team.



    It was a horror story. But what did the D do when the O gave up the ball. They all seemed to step to one side to allow a clear passage to our end zone. Unacceptable. And this was repeated the following week.


    Great (elite) players make the other players around them better.

    Hence why our pass defense was ranked 10th


    You guys are acting like he is going to be getting paid Mario money or QB money. He is going to get top Safety money, that is not breaking the bank for a top player.



    I'd rather not rewatch the Pats game where they put up 52 points on the Bills. Did we have a Defense in the second half? How anyone on the D can ask for $8m after that is beyond me. Byrd may have made some plays in the first half, but that's a bit like Tiger Woods saying I shot a great 30 on the front nine but had a 55 on the back nine Elite players do it all the time. Now I'm hoping we can pin the Pats game on our departed D Co-ordinator and move on.

    Oh the 6 turnovers the offense had that game which account for 42 points? Yet we paid that QB... But a guy who is one of the very few who does his job everyday yea let's get rid of him.



    I agree.


    Sometimes I wish we could figure out an economic system that rewards people for the quality of the lives they lead and the contributions they make. Teachers - the good ones - would make a lot more and self-centered athletes would make less.


    Funny thing is with more money comes more problems. This isn't about the job you do it is all about the people.

    It is also funny to see posters thinking they know how to see if someone is good/bad. How many people get in trouble in the NFL maybe 1% so it is not like this is a huge problem. But god forbid someone that makes more money then you turn out to be a bad person then the whole NFL is screwed up and just taking guys from prisons and throwing them in teams. Lol



    That's why I hate him, and Miami, that's for sure.


    90% of American hates him for that.

    When you still hate someone for doing what he wanted rightfully YEARS ago then it goes beyond that.

    Just funny LeBron tried to do everything he could to stay in Cleveland but a certain owner didn't listen. People by hating LeBron are really hating the owner.

  7. Guess everyone should be happy. Look at what the Tebow Curse is doing to the Pats.

    Gronk Surgery (Yea I know was inevitable but funny to add in)

    Kraft loses ring

    Hernandez "kills" a man (not official... Yet)

    Kraft starts hanging out with Jay-z


    Never have the Pays had so much bad publicity before. Welcome Tebow Curse fester in that organization.

  8. Our culture is amazing that billion dollar industries in the sports entertainment genre shell out millions to criminals only to prop them up on the field where society embraces them as a role model.


    Maybe guys like McGahee are an a-hole. Maybe Ray Lewis is a changed man. Maybe Donte Stallworth was misguided. But I would rather aplaud a man for his character then I would his play. I'd cheer a Coy Wire or Ryan Fitzpatrick before I would a Michael Vick or a Cromartie

    God I would hate the NFL if guys like Fitz or Tebow got to play just b.c they were "Swell guys." Imagine if someone took your job not b.c of his talent and knowledge but b.c he was just a nicer guy then you. He sucks at his job but hey, he sure is nice.


    How about this take common sense and realize that these people should never be role models for your kids. YOU as the parent should be your kids role model.


    I believe that Skelton started the season opener last year for the Cardinals and was benched in the second half for Kolb who brought them back to win. Kolb started and won the next three games including a victory over the Patriots in week two. After that, he played injured before being replaced by Skelton.


    Kolb's biggest problem in Arizona was staying healthy. The Cardinal's front line was atrocious (as was Philly's while Kolb was starting). But, he played well in Philly and Arizona when he was healthy. He has an accurate arm, a decent deep ball, a quick throw, and great work ethic. And, most importantly, he has veteran experience. As I mentioned in an earlier post, he is a known commodity. In other words, when he goes out on the field in a real game, the coaches know what to expect from him. That's going to be an important asset for a new coaching staff, and a new system.


    Safe to say Kolb will be healthy at the beginning of the season. With a healthy Kolb, Marrone will not likely see any reason to rush EJ out onto the field. I'd be surprised to see EJ start before week five against the Browns.

    If you watched those games it wasn't really about Kolb those first 4 weeks. He didn't do much actually.

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