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Ralph W.

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Posts posted by Ralph W.

  1. Not like Bill Belichick has been a genius as of late. Albert Haynesworth, Chad Headbuttyourwifo, Brandon Lloyd. Also he was always a defensive minded coach and that is exactly where he has struggled. Like I said Tebow won't make it out of preseason cuts, this is all about a certain OC asking Bill to bring him in.



    Your phrase "everyone over pays" followed "they will probably pay to keep Byrd". In that context you couldn't be more incorrect.


    I guess I could understand the need to be proven "right" about an opinion on a chat board. Every one seeks validation in their own quirky way.

    Hey you were the one agreeing with me.



    Every team overpays? You know who doesnt overpay? The Steelers. You know where our GM came from? The Steelers.

    Lol he was a scout.




    Yes every team over pays, just ask Welker about the Pay.... Oh wait... Let me try again, ask Ed Reed and Ellerby about the Ray.... Oh nope ask Mike Wallace... Dam this is hard. Ok surely a good football team would not lose a two time Probowl free safety under 30 years old to a higher bidder. Whats that san francisco? Goldson did what?


    At least they didn't move Revis island from Manhattan to Florida....

    Ed Reed? Guess you forgot Flacco's contract. SF will overpay when they want to keep LBs just wait. TB overpaid thanks for proving me right. Everyone has to overpay someone to keep them. Mike Wallace was overpaid by the Dolphins. Like I said every team does it. They let guys go to keep others Bills don't have to do that.

  4. Was I the only person not surprised when the bills took EJ for their QB pick? There was an article on Bufflorumblings.com 3 days before the draft where someone pointed out that they had no idea where media was getting their info about the Bills being interested on Geno and Nassib but that the staff was completely enamored with EJ.

    Nope I am WVU "Mountaineers!" fan and I wanted EJ over Geno. Over 1/3 of Geno's passes were screen passes. Geno had better offensive talent but WV had a horrible defense. I just didn't think Geno had what the Bills need. Now for Geno he has no one to throw to with the Jets but I don't think he will be a great QB. I see more in EJ that can develop into someone that can win us games.



    Adds up real fast if your someone that bought every couple years.

    How much of that money do you really think you will see? Don't forget they take all fee's from the total settlement before you even get your money, on top of it the money is capped so once everything is said and done a few years down the road you might get $10 if you're lucky. No thanks.

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