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Ralph W.

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Everything posted by Ralph W.

  1. Not like Bill Belichick has been a genius as of late. Albert Haynesworth, Chad Headbuttyourwifo, Brandon Lloyd. Also he was always a defensive minded coach and that is exactly where he has struggled. Like I said Tebow won't make it out of preseason cuts, this is all about a certain OC asking Bill to bring him in.
  2. I doubt Tebow makes it out of preseason cuts.
  3. Yea I don't care about Tuel anyways.
  4. EJ will be starter week 1 this is good news for Bills fans they are progressing faster then expected. Also Tuel is better then TJ
  5. I hope you are joking and if you're not just say you are.
  6. Bills destroyed Tebow so this can only be good for us.
  7. Again? He hasn't really played QB yet lol
  8. Lol Tebow can't even catch if they used him in that game.
  9. Lol he was a scout. Ed Reed? Guess you forgot Flacco's contract. SF will overpay when they want to keep LBs just wait. TB overpaid thanks for proving me right. Everyone has to overpay someone to keep them. Mike Wallace was overpaid by the Dolphins. Like I said every team does it. They let guys go to keep others Bills don't have to do that.
  10. We? Don't know who this "We" is but the Bills will probably pay to keep Byrd. Every team overpays.
  11. This was expected since he never signed his tag still.
  12. Sure 2 shoes and a camel. If Ej can't beat Kolb then we are screwed for QB once again.
  13. Sorry I speak English so I won't be able to explain it to you in your language.
  14. Nope I am WVU "Mountaineers!" fan and I wanted EJ over Geno. Over 1/3 of Geno's passes were screen passes. Geno had better offensive talent but WV had a horrible defense. I just didn't think Geno had what the Bills need. Now for Geno he has no one to throw to with the Jets but I don't think he will be a great QB. I see more in EJ that can develop into someone that can win us games.
  15. Really this all needs to be explained? Yes, gets in trouble again exact same as screws up again...
  16. They are all HoF's so that is all that matters with these guys. As for "vs" I don't compare people from different eras since the players and the game have changed and gotten faster over the years.
  17. How much of that money do you really think you will see? Don't forget they take all fee's from the total settlement before you even get your money, on top of it the money is capped so once everything is said and done a few years down the road you might get $10 if you're lucky. No thanks.
  18. Yea everyone is happy right now. Just wait till he screws up again. He will always be Chad Headbuttyourwifo to me.
  19. Don't know how anyone has a read on any rookie yet. Waaaaaaay to early to say anything about any player.
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