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Ralph W.

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Posts posted by Ralph W.



    Who are you, Kim Jung Un?


    How many time he turn ball over those last 5 game of season?


    The answer is that he had 4 ints (all in 2 games, none in the other 3 games) and 4 fumbles lost (one in each of 4 games)--not great, but not disastrous. But it's hard to rack up the first downs when your awesome D can't get off the field.


    You can't argue facts. I am sorry my thumb didn't hit the S grammar Nazi. The defense and special teams were amazing. You are not winning anything with Tebow anymore defenses have tape on him they know what he can't do and that is play QB.

    When your defense has to put the team on their back they will break down after having to bail out Tebow a million times.

  2. 2012 Top 10 Paid Safeties


    1. Ed Reed, Ravens – $7,200,000

    2. Antrel Rolle, Giants - $6,750,000

    3. Charles Woodson, Packers - $6,500,000

    4. Troy Polomalu, Steelers - $6,250,000

    5. Dashon Goldson, 49ers - $6,212,000

    6. Antoine Bethea, Colts - $5,025,000

    7. Eric Weddle, Chargers - $5,000,000

    8. Eric Berry, Chiefs - $4,842,200

    9. Roman Harper, Saints - $4,500,000

    10. Kerry Rhodes, Cardinals - $3,500,000

    Most notable safeties not mentioned: Ryan Clark ($3 million in 2012), Adrian Wilson ($1.5 million in 2012), and Michael Huff ($700,000 in 2012).

    Bear in mind also that it was Ed Reed's final contract year in B'more. He signed a 3 year $15 million contract with Houston. His salary this year is $5,000,000.00.

    Antrel Rolle is now in the fourth year of a 5 year $37million ($15m guaranteed) contract that makes him a FA in 2015.

    Charles Woodson's number above was his swan song in GB. He just signed a 1 year $1.8 million contract with Oakland.

    Polamalu is in the 3rd year of a 4 year $36.5 million ($10.550m guaranteed) contract.

    Dashon Goldson just signed a 5 year $47.5m contract with $19m guaranteed. He'll be a FA again in 2018.


    Jarius Byrd's 2012 salary: $615,000.00

    2013 Franchise Tag salary: $6,916,000.00

    How much is J-Byrd asking for? I'm thinking he's thinking Polamalu/Goldson kind of money.

    Is he worth $8million a year?

    Yes he is worth it. They better not let Byrd go after spending all that money on Mario and letting Levitre go.

  3. The is a smart move by New England. They just added a talented player at no cost. But they also just took a lot of media focus off of Danny Amendola, Aaron Dobson and Josh Boyce. They also created some competition behind Brady. Ryan Mallett will be pushed and that's a good thing for them. Say what you want about Tebow, but the guy works his tail off. He'll fit right in with Brady.


    Wait... What? Tebow isn't competition for anyone on that team.


    Do you want to re-sign Woods and Spiller? If yes then they will take a big chunk of the cap. I would like Byrd signed also but there are other considerations.

    We have time with Spiller. Woods won't get a huge contract all that cap space is no where needed for Wood this is all for the Byrd signing. Wood will be paid but he also has to prove he can go without injury.

  5. Yeah, that's what everybody does when they get a couple days off. They work. Give 'em time, the team doesn't even know who the starter will be. Should Johnson have been working out with Cobb or Manuel?

    TBH this team has had 13 years of "give em time"

    EJ will be starting week one so hopefully SJ is working with him in between camps. If EJ can't beat out Kolb we will be in the same situation as last year with a backup starting.



    Ah, yes, the vaunted Denver D that gave up over 40 points 5 times in 2011--3 times in the last 5 weeks (once to the Bills!).




    It seems clear that his porn star girlfriend is likely cleaner than his OR team....she isn't the one responsible for 3 trips to the OR, so far.


    Hey buddy that was also when tebow went to turn the ball over many time. How many first downs were gained during that time for Denver. See you will always be wrong on this b.c the facts don't lie that it was all the defense and special teams.

  7. Allow me to reiterate, he also won in the NFL. Took over a 1-4 team, and then managed to guide them to the division title and the playoffs. Then managed to beat the Steelers in the playoffs.


    To me this kid is the anti-Trent Edwards who always looked great in practice, and then floundered once on the field. Tebow looks like crap in practice but manages play great at times, and inspire his team to wins


    Most of the Bills fans in this forum blame the QB for the majority of the teams failure to win games, and yet with Tebow, Bills fans want to say the team carried him to wins.


    Anyway, I'll be pissed if he turns out to be a play maker for the Patriots. Belichick did this to stick it to the Jets IMO.

    Don't ever try to tell me Tebow did much. The defense and special teams deserves a medal for that work they did during the season.

  8. One thing lost in all your girlie talk is the deep-seated disdain that BB* has for all things JETS.



    Remember he also put Floosie in to drop kick a PAT against Dieami.


    "He's got a skill and we got a chance to let him use it, and I am happy for him. First time since '41," said Belichick, a football historian who last month brought out a leather helmet in his media session. "It might be 60 years again, too."


    Could be more of the same thing going on here. It'll be interesting to say the least to see what develops further in Foxboro.


    And for all you Tebow haters, you should thank your lucky stars that Denver jumped back in the first round to take him ahead of Ralph Wilson. We were poised to strike and it stunned Ralph when Denver "panicked" to get him. I'm glad he'll get to play a little more after both Denver and the JESTS did about everything they could to ruin his chances of playing in the league.

    Would have been just another blunder by the Buffalo Bills if that happened.

  9. Bilicheck press conference


    "we are gonna do what is in the best interest of our football team. Tim is a talented football player. he is smart and works hard"

    He is already deflecting Tebow questions. "I have already spoken about that player"

  10. I think his contract says volumes as how the Pats* see him fitting in.


    Jason La Canfora@JasonLaCanfora1m

    Tebow's 2yr, veteran minimum contract with the Pats includes no signing bonus. Could be released anytime with no cap or cash ramifications

    Vet minimum. No signing bonus. Looks like they are bringing him in for a look, see if he can fit in, in anyway with this offense. If he can't, cut him.

    Yea pretty much what I expected TC body that will be cut sometime in August or even earlier.


    If the Patriots are selling the jersey of their 3rd string QB, how come I can't order a Jeff Tuel jersey yet??? He's been on the Bills way longer than Timmah has been with New England. Get on that Russ!

    Tuel doesn't have a following of cult crazies. Come on these are the same people that tried to petition the President to force Tebow on the Jags.

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