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Ralph W.

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Posts posted by Ralph W.



    I do understand that Byrd is not under contract. I'm not suggesting Byrd participate in drills. Maybe it's just how I think but if Byrd just showed up at a practice just to show that he still cares about the team I would think that gesture would go over well. But maybe that isn't even allowed if he's not under contract.


    I suppose the same idea of a goodwill gesture would apply to the Bills. Russ Brandon could bring some cookies to Byrd's house, but I'm guessing Parker would not want Byrd talking to the Bills without him there.



    No player would ever risk it and I wouldn't want them to. You get injured you're screwed. You sign that franchise tag you are screwed also b.c then the team owns you. This is the only time of leverage a player has right now which is very small window when you think about it. They need to do everything possible to make sure they have a future for themselves.



    You know this because? Is this team so loaded with talent that they cannot afford a roster spot for a young talented signal caller? Speculation has it that Belichick will retain Tebow as his third QB. Speculation has it that the Patriots roster has more telented players than does Buffalo's. But Buffalo will not keep a third QB on it's roster?

    Jeff is that you?

  3. Can someone help me out here?


    1. Is it typical for a team to announce who the starters are now or come August?

    2. Do rosters need to be cut down now, or does that all occur in August?



    1. All depends on the coach and QB. Russell Wilson wasn't named starter till after the first preseason game, neither was Matt Ryan. It is TC and Preseason that will figure out is Kolb or EJ is starting.


    2. Starting July 28th every few weeks the team must cut the roster down. I don't know the dates I will try to find. I can't find this years cut dates.



    I'm sure money had something to do with it. But think about it; Buffalo will likely kep three QBs. If Tuel did not seem capable, I'm certain they would have retained Jackson. I know you're an E.J. fan. I am too. But I'm intrigued by the possibility of having two young talented QBs on this roster. I would not be supset if, at the end of this season, Buffalo's QB debth chart lists E.J., Tuel, and Kolb in that order.

    He is younger and cheaper. Most teams keep 2 QBs if Tuel even makes the cuts he will be PS at best. He has gotten almost zero reps. I don't know why you are even following a guy who will never really be mentioned come TC. The Bills fans way root for the guy who shouldn't be playing.

  5. Think about this would you keep a guy who is making more money to be here then another guy who is making minimum even though neither will ever sniff the NFL field? Exactly, if Tuel was making TJax money then he would have been the guy to be cut.


    Only Bills fans can fall in love with guys who will never play the game.

  6. To me this is just that they do not believe Geno will be ready to start on week one. So they will use Sanchez at first and Geno for some situations/packages. Then as Geno catches on and gets more comfortable the situations/packages he is in for grows until Sanchez is holding the clipboard.


    If it was the Bills doing this, the thread would be about how Marrone was a genius for bringing EJ along slowly :)

    Nope b.c when you have two QBs you have none. And the wildcat was banned from being used in Buffalo ;)

  7. i cant wait to see everyone say "i told you he sucked" after the jets do everything in their power to set him up for failure.


    this is going to be a train wreck (and because its the jets, ill enjoy the show).

    Yea he has no offensive help. At least Buffalo picked up offensive weapons and has an incredible run game around EJ.

  8. Don't know why the op is freaking out. The biggest talent in the NFL are still just about all high character players. The same % of troublemakers are in the league. The only thing that has changed is times and media. Cops used to let you go if you had a few beers or had a fight, not anymore. Media wasn't big enough to cover every player in the NFL, they are now. That's all that has changed.


    You not remember the old Cowboys? The old talk of how many can you count that didn't get arrested. Lol


    its is?? you think todays o linemen are faster than in the 60s or 70s???---you think the bills LBs today are faster than the KC chiefs LBs of the 60s 70s??? -How about the raiders LBs from 80s?--What Bills receivers on todays teams are faster than their 70s group?? Stevie would lose a 100 yd dash to JD hIll by 5 yards. Cj would give OJ a run for his money in the 40 but be blown away in the 100.This faster game stuff is a myth. the difference is that O line now averages 320 vs 270 back then. Its todays style---but was popularized by the early 90s Cowboys. These fat o linemen are certainly very effective and I can understand why they grow them these days.But they certainly aren't faster. The other positions there is no difference in speed overall.

    The fact that you don't think players are faster and stronger as a whole tells me I should stop responding b.c I am being trolled.

  10. if CJ produces like we all know he can and want him to, he will be in the running for total yards from scrimmage leader, rushing leader, and could add TDs into that list. He's absolutely amazing. We all know that. The coaches know that. The players know that. The opponents know that.


    So lets ask this question, if CJ has 1500+ yards, anywhere from 15-20 TDs, do you really think its long before he asks for more money?


    Lets say he has one good season like that, and he asks for more, we tell him to go pound sand. He says OK, ill come back without a holdout, but when I have an even better season in 2014, your going to pay me to be the highest paid RB in the league. Then he goes out, another year into Marrones offense with EJ firm as his number one, and destroys everyone he plays. Like he's Chris Johnson or Adrian Peterson. Then we have to pay him ungodly money to make him happy. And if we don't? We lose another 1st round RB, probably the best in the league at the time at his position, and have to start all over again at the RB position. Of course Freddy will probably retire or be forced to retire at about the same time because his legs will be about to fall off.


    So lets ask that question again if you think CJ still shouldn't be thought about when saving money.

    How about we worry about what is REALLY happening and stop throwing out hypothetical's. Also FYI the cap also has a minimum that every team must spend and the Bills are under it.

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