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Ralph W.

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Posts posted by Ralph W.

  1. I highly doubt the most popular sport in America is going to go away anytime soon. Two sports are even more physically damaging then Football are hockey and boxing. With the latter having a primary goal of beating the hell out of your opponent. Racing is a deadly sport where a crash can cause death, and to not only the driver. I don't see the USA changing its ways in 10-20 years, Sorry Lem.

    Lem already retracted and apologized for saying this lol



    "For a few games" was actually close to 20 games, and the contract was not "huge" -- it's remarkable people keeping saying that as if it's a fact. Fitz's contract paid him mid-level starter's money -- and the biggest problem with the deal is that they needed him to play at the same level for another year. The Bills' biggest mistake was not in giving Fitz that contract, but in failing (until now) to address his replacement.

    20 games of garbage? More like a 5-2 run and OBD going OMG we got our next guy let's sign him up before he gets expensive. It was a HUGE contract not b.c it was actually big but b.c Fitz should have never been paid.



    You're not going to find a published quote; you can choose to believe it or not to, but I can tell you with a degree of confidence that Dareus has not sniffed his NFL Combine weight of 318 lbs since the day he was drafted. He reported as a rookie at 343 lbs post-lockout, and was more than his listed playing weight of 331 lbs last year. For a guy that wowed everyone in college playing at 320, that's not good.

    Sorry I can't believe opinion. The simple fact that he has been running with the ones this whole time, with this coaching staff they would not have let him do that if he wasn't in shape for the position he was playing.

  4. Dareus as someone pointed out needs focus and yes get in shape. He looked gased out there at times last year. With the discipline your hearing out of one bills drive in Marrone, I'm guessing they will not allow Dareus to come in 25 lbs. overweight.


    I'd love to see him by September be in that 315-320 range and lean.

    You have no proof of any of this. If Dareus wasn't in shape he wouldn't be working with the first team. He has been able to keep up with all OTAs and mini camp. So until you have proof of coaches saying something you are wrong.


    It would be important to know how much of those yards came in garbage time, when Fitz was padding up his stats!


    Sorry this padding stat is for Fitz only. Stevie's job was to get open, he was also facing some of the top DBs and those guy NEVER want to give up a pass... Even in garbage time. ;)



    The opinions on this board regarding EJ Manuel are a testament to our fans’ optimism, short-term memory, and willingness to rewrite, and if necessary, completely ignore history. Before we easily traded down to acquire Manuel, he was generally considered to be around the fourth or fifth best QB in a remarkably weak QB class. Just about any description of him, pre-draft, included the words, “inconsistent,” and “project.”


    What’s really amazing to me is that the majority of Bills fans seem to have completely written off the season opener against the Pats. But, I have a hard time believing that Coach Marrone feels the same way. And, I have a hard time believing that a new coach with zero NFL HC experience, and a new staff is going to throw a rookie “project” into the mix against division rivals, the NE patriots.


    Could EJ explode in the preseason and turn into a genuine NFL starter with a better chance of beating the Pats than Kolb? I suppose. Is it likely? I doubt it. And, what is the potential damage to a “project” QB that we all hope is the future of the franchise if he is thrown into the fire before he is ready?


    Start Kolb.

    What you don't understand is history means nothing with players. Everyone is different and all it takes is one guy to turn your franchise around.

  7. You win, you get media. You are supposed to win but don't, you get media. You are the Bills you get a pity story b.c you are irrelevant on both sides. The only way to change that is to win. When they went on 5-2 a couple of years ago I couldn't stop seeing interviews. Win and you will see more.


    In the fluke 5-2 start in 2011, you still had to wait 40 minutes for Bills highlights. And most times, they'd list the segment in the side crawl and then they'd switch topics. Even on the NFL network.

    Please I saw 3 Bills interviews in one day when we were winning. You win you get more air time.

  8. Dareus is going to be our Big NT smashing the middle of the line up. The QB won't be able to climb the pocket and will be crushed trying to get to the outside.

    I don't see huge stats from him but I see huge productivity this year. He will be our biggest difference maker this year on defense.

  9. Marrone actually did this his first year at Syracuse when he brought in Nasibb to run read option plays for Paulus who was the starter after not playing football for 4 years while at Duke. Would not surprise me if he brought in EJ slowly this way as well.

    College does not equal the NFL. Their is a reason why two QBs=Zero in the NFL.

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