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Ralph W.

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Posts posted by Ralph W.



    Yea I'm wrong for picking Jordan (your wearing his shoes right now probably). Jordan is the king. Not the self anointed one either, If. IF Lebron wins 5 more titles we can discuss it but right now it's not a conversation.


    Things that rule.....Unc/Jordan/DannyGreen


    Things that don't Lebron James and his tail between his legs running from Cleveland.

    Good to know when I have won an argument when you bring up Cleveland. LeBron>MJ keep spanking it to his shoes.

  2. How many player are being paid at top of their positions? 1... ONE! ONE!


    We need to make the TOP player we have the ones we DRAFTED keep those.


    If a two time pro bowl player one of the best in his position isn't worth the money, then who is? No one answered that... I answered your question that didn't need to be answered.


    Seriously, hows many players can one team have be top paid at their positions? We have one in Mario now. CJ could become another. Are we supposed to make everyone top paid?

    Lol yea teams only pay one player... Seriously this is your argument. Pay Byrd now so you don't have a problem when you have to pay someone else later.





    I think that's exactly what they're going to do.




    Perhaps it's not good, but it can't be all that bad either...I mean, they still have a month before the deadline to come to a deal prior to the season. As Andrew Brandt (former Packers VP of Player Personnel) likes to say: deadlines spur action.

    So you're arguing with me b.c you think something codemonkey said will happen when it CANT happen... Yea OK.



    If Byrd reminded me more of the great safeties that have played the game, I'd have no problem with making him the highest paid ever. If he were Ed Reed reincarnated, then no questions at all. And the Bills would feel the same way. They've got a good history of making guys the highest paid at their positions but those guys were truly the best at their positions. Contrary to the legend being sprouted here, Byrd has holes in his game. He's slower than you'd like at free safety, and sometimes his recognition leaves a bit to be desired. "But profootballfocus said he didn't give up a TD all last year!" Well, the kind folks at pff can use a refresher course in what to look for in free safety play. Anyone think Parker brings up pff's analysis in the negotiations? Thought so.


    GO BILLS!!!


    Think about this. You are the least qualified to grade a player. Other analysts, other PLAYERS even say Byrd is one of the premier top safeties in the league. I will take those peoples word over yours on top of me watching this kid.


    If a young player who has already been a Pro Bowler twice isn't worth paying top money for, then who is?

  6. http://www.buffalobi...1d-ee8e60ebe07d

    Chris Brown:


    Offensive Coordinator Nathaniel Hackett feels it's important for all the players on offense to possess that all-encompassing view of the offense, and he used that philosophy in installing his new offense.



    Installing an offensive system and having a new roster of players execute it effectively sooner rather than later is no easy task, especially when a good portion of the talent on offense is very green. Such is the case for Bills offensive coordinator Nathaniel Hackett. Fortunately for Buffalo's offense Hackett has devised a way to develop synergistic thinking on his entire unit........



  7. Exactly and Byrd is a top tier player who we need to keep. Byrd is that top ten player top 5 even. Like I said we don't have a QB to pay yet we should pay Byrd now b.c we will need to keep others later. You keep your TOP talent.


    It's crazy to lose 13 years in a row and people still refuse to change.

  8. As franchise tag deadline nears, don't expect a lot of deals: http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/blog/jason-la-canfora/22463132/as-franchise-tag-deadline-nears-dont-expect-a-lot-of-deals-to-get-done



    Jairus Byrd, S, Buffalo Bills: There hasn't been any real movement in these talks, according to sources, so based on that alone one might not be optimistic. But, man, the Bills cannot afford to risk losing any good young talent. This ball hawk is a difference maker, and if Buffalo can ever get that pass rush thing figured out, then the opportunities for Byrd to get his hands on the ball only increase. The Bills are sitting on about $20 million of cap space, fourth-most in the NFL, and getting Byrd off the tag will actually create more space for them over time. You don't overspend like mad on Mario Williams only to let your homegrown talent depart, and franchising again Byrd in 2013 would just be more expensive. It also isn't exactly the way for a new coaching and front office regime to engender positive vibes in the locker room.


  9. Really ? One ring James is better than MJ ?


    Think that might be insanely wrong as it currently stands. 1-3 finals record if the spurs finish em off.


    Jordan's record in finals ? 6-0 with 6 MVP's


    Zero flopping.

    Yawn Jordan was a little baby wanting calls don't even start. LeBron has done more at his age then Jordan did at the same age. Your logic thinks that LeBron will get worse when he is now getting into the prime of his career. Sucks being wrong ehh?



    Kyle Williams' 6-year, $39M deal was not a "little contract", neither was Stevie's 5-year, $35M deal. Buffalo really hasn't let their big-name FAs go. Poz left for ridiculous money (and helped lead Jacksonville to the #2 overall pick), as did Levitre. Other than that, since Whaley/Nix arrived, they're re-signed basically everyone.


    I'm not understanding where you're getting the farm-team vibe from...

    Those are middle of the road contracts. You left a couple of players off the list, I will let you find out who they were.



    You don't think that re-signing (right or wrong) guys like Stevie, Kyle Williams, Chandler, Freddie, Fitz, George Wilson, McKelvin, Pears, Urbik, etc. sends that message?


    Honestly, the team has re-signed far more FAs than they've lost.

    Sigh... We are not talking about signing guys to little contracts. We are talking about TOP TALENT. We don't have a QB to give money to so that excuse is out the building. You need to keep the key top talent players you draft till you find a QB. How the teams do it, Ravens are prime example they got their QB and sign him to big money while letting other talent go. Before that they kept top talent till they found a QB.



    You got it figured out. After nearly 15 years (almost half my life) in IT/Telecom, I never get pre-orders or first generations of anything anymore. I let other people waste their money being the beta testers for these companies, and then come in months later and get an improved product for a lower price. After fixing issues all day, I want my personal items to "just work".


    I actually had to go out and buy a new PS3 b.v the first gen I bought wouldn't break so I gave up and bought the newer one. So I will buy that first console and have no problems like I have had buying everything else first.



    I was referring more to their attitudes on the field. And you can easily replace Jordan with Donald Trump or some other wealthy person. It takes a certain mentality to get that wealthy. You are cutthroat and really don't care who you crap on to get there.

    Yet their are more rich people that go against your theory.

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