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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Much easier said than done. Yes, many people contribute to their own negative circumstances, but again, society does not support men through their struggles the same way as with women. There is no emotional support out there for them at all. Quite the opposite actually. Society will kick a man when he's down and laugh at his misfortune. The average man is treated as totally and completely disposable by society.
  2. It's not strange. It's the same everywhere. As an example, the ratio of suicides between males and females was exactly the same in Germany and France in the data I posted as the United States. The UK and Australia are only slightly lower. Those are wealthy western countries. The US, in fact, ranks 97th by that measure, so many, many countries have a much higher disparity. There are many reasons for it. Men, generally, are punished by society for displaying anything that can be construed as weakness. Society doesn't support them when they struggle. Sure, it's great for the top 10-20% in wealthy societies, but for the average man, life can be a difficult, thankless and sometimes hopeless existence.
  3. This isn't anything unique to the US or 'conservative white men.' Worldwide, suicide rates are far higher for men than women, and many countries with non-white majorities have much higher rates than the US. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_suicide_rate
  4. Sure, but I mean, how the hell did people not see it? Or did they just refuse to see it? They shouldn't have needed the media to point it out.
  5. Yeah, I don't think it even matters what was said. Biden likely lost this election tonight just given how weak and frail he appeared and sounded.
  6. I'd laugh, but it's probably a reasonable question after that Biden disaster.
  7. I thought Trump won easily. It doesn't even matter what was said, though Trump won that handily as well, especially before the first break. Biden looked and sounded like a feeble old man. He's done.
  8. That's about as good as can be expected at his point. Their strategy seems questionable, though. Everyone could see they needed a quality speed guy last year, so rather than add that in one of the strongest WR drafts in years, apparently they'd rather have these guys.
  9. No, but I don't have any interest in autographs from anyone. Otherwise, I don't have anything against him. The blame for the Bills' problems during most of that time period falls on their own front office management.
  10. Productive, excellent combine testing, and high scores for coverage? If he can stay healthy, I think this is going to be a good one.
  11. Hopefully it turns out better it looks on paper. I wouldn't be comfortable going into the season with that roster. I have to think (or hope) that Beane is planning to make a veteran acquisition before the season.
  12. I'm speaking of the current front office.
  13. The Bills usually don't like undersized DEs.
  14. That was the compensation for the Diggs trade. The Texans had that pick, don't ask me how.
  15. It's not unusual for the 2nd tier of C prospects to be available in R4-5.
  16. Only two picks before the Bills are on the clock again.
  17. They definitely needed a good C prospect.
  18. I would not take a QB in this draft.
  19. Jamari Thrash or a good short yardage/power RB would be my preference here. Probably taking a DE or CB.
  20. As ineffective as Davis and Diggs were at the end of the year, it's a low bar to cross.
  21. I think I'd rather have Thrash at this point. I think Rice may overlap Coleman too much.
  22. Aside from short yardage and goaline, I think they're going to be facing a lot of defenses playing them pretty tight to the LOS this year until these wideouts prove they can hurt them downfield. They need someone who can grind out some tough yardage, because I don't think there's going to be a lot of room to run, especially early this upcoming season.
  23. I saw more of a Moulds comparison with Legette, though I also think he may end up kind of like a Cordarrelle Patterson.
  24. The QB knows more than we do as average fans, but he's still a player and not a scout. He hasn't worked in the pro or college personnel department.
  25. Input is ok, but there's a fine line there.
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