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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Right back at you. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  2. I agree completely and even though I think he has slipped, I would still be reluctant to trade him. He's still a good player.
  3. And yet even with Bledsoe at QB, he's on pace to have almost 100 catches. I think this actually proves the point being made here. Eric is getting opportunities to be a playmaker. Problem is, he's making very few of them with the relatively large number of chances that he's had. I think age and injuries have robbed him of much of the explosiveness he once had.
  4. You know, its unpopular to say so, but I think you're right. At this later stage of his career, I think he has slipped from the level of being an 'elite' WR to just a 'very good' one. The one big thing that has been missing from his game has been his ability to break tackles after the catch. That's the attribute that set him apart and made him a great player, but he seems to have lost that. The rest of his game never was 'great', but merely good. He can still play at a fairly high level, certainly, but I think the days of Eric Moulds being a top flight NFL WR are over.
  5. I agree. I've been a supporter of Bledsoe, but I think its time to pull the plug.
  6. In Evans's case, I think Bledsoe just led him too far. It would have been a very tough catch. As for Eric Moulds, his mistake on the next play was inexcusable for a veteran player.
  7. Its really not that suprising. Most HCs would not pull their starting QB in that situation, even if he was stinking up the joint. Now, if they put Losman in for the next series and don't allow him to throw the ball, then I think you can say the coaches need to grow a pair.
  8. Nope. He's basically a rookie and he's made some rookie mistakes. Then again, every now and then he makes a great play like he did in the end zone on that last drive. I like what I've seen of him. I just hope the Bills have enough patience to let him work through his adjustment to the NFL.
  9. What do you expect? As is the case year after year, the Bills OL is getting its ass kicked.
  10. At least someone showed up to play tonight. Nice punt return.
  11. If he's healthy, I see no reason not to start JP Losman next week. The season is over and its time to begin preparing for '05 and beyond. Should Losman play tonight? I don't know. I'm afraid he'll come under very heavy fire from the Pats D. That said, it would not suprise me to see him later in this game.
  12. The mistake Bledsoe is making is the same one he's made all season long: he locks onto Eric Moulds come hell or high water. On that deep INT, he had a WR wide open over the middle (not sure who it was). I've defended Bledsoe, but he's got to spread the ball around more. Its worked against weak defenses, but the Pats are too good for the BS. Its too predictable. I think we're going to see JP Losman pretty soon guys, possibly even tonight.
  13. 72%, 30 miles.
  14. Normally, I'd say that under these circumstances a player should not be deemed a bust. Travis Henry is a perfect example of a good player who has lost his starting job simply because the guy who took his place is even better. That *may* be partially the case here. Kelsay has shown enough promise to lead me to believe he can be a pretty good NFL DE. If that proves true, Denney was simply beaten out by a better player. However, in this case, I think this demotion says almost as much about Denney's ability level as it does Kelsay's. Denney simply has not proven to be the type of player that you give up a 2nd and 4th round draft pick for. Is he a bust? In absolute terms, no. At worst, Denney is a capable 3rd DE in the lineup who generally does not embarass himself when he plays. Then again, based upon the expectations of a 2nd round draft choice, you have to consider the guy to be a disappointment, if not a bust. On his best day, he's an average starter who very rarely, if ever, makes the big play. That's not the type of player you expect for the investment the Bills made.
  15. 96% 5 miles, 328s. Utah was my first state and I missed it by about 50 miles to the west.
  16. I think he's playing as well as can be expected, given his background and the fact that he's only got about a month of starting experience behind him. He gets picked on by the opposing QB, which isn't suprising. I suspect that we haven't seen the last of it this year. Most young CBs go through their struggles for a while and he's no different. If the Bills will just show some patience with him, coach him and allow him to develop, I think this team will be rewarded with a very good CB by the end of next season.
  17. I did, even as far south as northern Arkansas. I've seen them a few times before but tonight was by far the best.
  18. While I don't think its a problem in the course of a two or three game stretch, the Bills need to make sure they moderate his carries as the season goes on. I'd like to see him average 20-25 the rest of the way, which, in reality, is still a lot of carries.
  19. Exactly. Playing time does not matter. All that matters is that he's young, very productive, and has no history of major injuries as a pro. There's absolutely no reason that he can't return to being a 1400 yard rusher.
  20. Actually, the fact that Travis is sitting on the bench may be the biggest reason why we get a first from trading him. Everyone has seen the last two years that he can play. He's got little to prove. By sitting on the bench, he avoids wear and tear and will have relatively little mileage on him when he hits the trade block. In the end, I suspect the Bills will indeed recieve a #1 for him. I think the real question is whether or not someone will make that trade straight up, or if the Bills will give up a bit extra, such as a 3rd-5th round pick.
  21. I agree to a point, but his teams in Miami have regularly underachieved. He's been dealt a bad hand this season, but at some point, there has to be accountability for the poor performance in Miami under his tenure.
  22. I don't know if it has as much to do with McGahee as it does that the Bills probably needed time to adjust to the new systems in place. That said, although I'm a big Travis Henry fan, McGahee has proven to me that he is indeed a better player. My only fear with McGahee is that the Bills are overworking him.
  23. It probably depends upon which exit poll you want to believe.
  24. But he's not contributing to the worsening of US-European relations. Its all Bush's fault .
  25. I honestly don't think anyone can say that whether the country is divided or not. There's still a huge number of Americans who choose not to vote and we really have no idea what their political leanings are. A perfect example? Just look at this election. Most of the 'experts' just assumed that a high voter turnout would greatly benefit Kerry. In fact, it seems to have helped Bush quite a bit. The point is, there are simply a lot of people out there who's vote and political leanings can't be accurately determined, and they might actually lean fairly strongly one way or the other.
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