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  1. Did Tebow throw row a rubber mat on the field behind him?
  2. Bring Back Huddle from the 80s? I like the reviving the Whammie Weenie Idea too.
  3. I have been a fan of both since 1979. The last time the Bucs won the whole thing. This is the year BOTH turn it all around. Pirates go for 10 in a row tonight. Can 't wait to knock Brady and BB off their high horse in Sept. GO BUCS GO BILLS
  4. I was refering to the NCAA death penalty. My bad.
  5. Good point. But aren't we enabling these thugs by taking them out of the gangs and giving them a pile of cash. It has to be put to a stop somewhere along the line. The guy shot someone in the face in that drug and gang infested city of Miami. Oh lets pay him $40 Million. Thats logical to me. He did this as a Patriot. Solution: DON'T DRAFT THIS GARBAGE. DON'T RECRUIT THE GANG TRASH.Irregardless of their talent.
  6. This could be the beginning of the end of college and pro athletics as we know it. All athletes will now have to go through a criminal background check before allowed into school. A different kind of clearinghouse if you will. Thugs, gangbangers, felons and street criminals with records will and should be immediately rejected. If schools do not comply.... Death penalty. Its the only way to keep this from happening again.
  7. 1976 When mcdonalds gave those FAKE autograph pictures away. I had Fergy, OJ and Chandler collected. First game was 1980 vs Rams. Nick McMyer Kicked late Field Goal> Bills won 10 -9. I sat with my brother in the very corner seats in the last row. Rams side, Tunnel end.Never have I been so wet and cold at a Bills game,. I was 14
  8. I think a new era of glory days is at hand. It all can start on Sept. 8th. Better days are coming soon. I can feel it.
  9. Good or bad memories, that was still a pretty good era in Buffalo sports. French Connection, Bob Mcadoo, The Aud filled to the rafters. The OJ that was great.(Not the current OJ). Great games, really good teams at times. Atleast the early 70s.
  10. I saw that same look on Lucic' face too. What a neanderthal he is. Typical piece of crap that Bruins would put on the ice. Didn't hear Milburys response to another Boston choke party. I'll bet it was full of whines and excuses.That city doesn't deserve another champion.They booed a player on the ice injured by a puck in the face. The play was stopped with Bruins having possession. That fan base is as arrogant and moronic as it comes. Boston Strong.... not so much. Sorry for being off subject. I hate Brady too. I'm just venting years of frustration that will end soon.
  11. I just want them to lose because I am tired of seeing Boston teams in championship games and series. Lets just put them to bed early. Cheaters should never prosper. Let them choke the season away instead.
  12. HEEERE Mario... sick ball. Good Dog
  13. I quote Peyton Manning......"Idiot kicker". Punters qualify too.
  14. He should hang out with some more porn stars. I'm sure they are familiar with various forms of infection :sick:
  15. Lets compare bowl wins. Hmmmm.
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