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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. "Life is Beautiful", but "Dead Poets Society" is a close second.
  2. OK, it actually got better towards the end, I'll admit.
  3. We're three minutes into the halftime show. It DOES suck. Where did His Purpleness get that outfit? I heard Lane Bryant was having a sale on headscarves, but this is ridiculous.
  4. Coors Light commercials, but that's OK.
  5. So far, the best thing I've seen during a commercial break has not been a commercial, but the Late Show promo with Dave in a Peyton Manning jersey...and Oprah in an orange Urlacher jersey, with Dave's arm around her. "Honey, don't talk with your mouth full."
  6. When was the last time it rained during a Super Bowl? I don't remember...at least not a downpour like this.
  7. Is it just me, or are the commercials really sucking this year?
  8. In May 2003 I bought a 2001 Ford Taurus that was part of the Hertz fleet. The car needed new tires almost right away, but it still has the ones I bought. The brake discs have needed to be replaced twice, the second time just a couple of months ago. I have a tendency to stomp on the brake pedal. I have nearly four years and 53,000 more miles on that car since I purchased it. And, it is now paid off. I've had to put some money into it (recently, the heater needed to be fixed due to a design defect within the Taurus itself...there is a space between the hood and the body where water leaked in and corroded the fan), but I love the car. And my goal is to drive it for four more years. The mechanic has told me I've taken very good care of it.
  9. Wow...according to Wikipedia, Jennifer Tilly is 48 years old. By the way, you guys are such boobs.
  10. I think this will be his last year...but it's tough to walk away from $11 million a year until 2009.
  11. Colts 19, Bears 7. I'm sticking to it.
  12. "Idiocracy" wasn't as funny as "Office Space", but it was a good time-waster.
  13. Today marks three years since my Grandma died. I am sorry for your loss.
  14. I wondered why my church wasn't having a Super Bowl party this year, because using a projector is exactly what we've done the past two years.
  15. Hey Tom! Best avatar I've seen in a long, long time!!
  16. The new one is a palace compared to the old place, most of which is now a reef just offshore.
  17. Just for you, Beerball, I changed my avatar. This is the English soccer team that Browns owner Randy Lerner bought recently.
  18. Hey now! Or the simile should be , because you're right.
  19. I find this thread disturbing...it's giving me a headache. Time to reach for the Tylenol...or is it Advil?
  20. First or second pick. He's the next Kevin Garnett.
  21. In the last forty years, things have really changed. For Super Bowl I, you could get in the game for $12.00. That's right, twelve singles. Even taking inflation into account, that's around sixty dollars today...about what a normal NFL game costs. And you could get in...the 90,000 seat Los Angeles Coliseum had over 28,000 empty seats (game attendance under 62,000). The halftime entertainment consisted of the marching bands from the University of Michigan and the University of Arizona. Finally, the game was broadcast on two networks at the same time...NBC and CBS. Unfortunately, no tapes seem to exist of the first Super Bowl. Today, the corporate types want to be wined and dined and entertained in their own plush skyboxes far removed from the working people that buy the bleacher tickets, drink beer, and cheer loudly...and also are the primary audience for the sponsors' products. Someday, the NFL will realize they are losing the market that made them billions in the first place.
  22. No worries. If you're on this board, you're not part of the problem, you're part of the solution.
  23. The politicians and police officials want to look like they're DOING SOMETHING. Because, if the threat is real, it's their heads that the public will serve up on a platter. Yes, root out all the evil in our midst. All the evil cartoon characters on boxes from a show only males 18-35 watch. I'm really starting to hate living in this country. I'm so glad I don't live in Boston, home of jittery public leaders and dumb people who've never seen a cartoon show. This now makes two places in which I'd never live...Georgia (for the way they treated that kid who's spending 10 years in the joint for oral sex) and Massachusetts. (((RANT OFF))) That said, I think the city should sue Time Warner...they have a case for the time and money they've spent. It was a very stupid promotional stunt, and I think that whoever suggested this should have seen the result: an entire city panicked. But really, all the posturing your Fearless Leaders are doing is very embarrassing, Boston.
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