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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Target, but I wind up at Wal-Mart most of the time. Ironically, there is a Target 200 yards from my office...and another Target and a Wal-Mart across the street from each other, less than two miles from my home. So, Target and Wal-Mart are literally the same distance from my house.
  2. Hey!!! That's my job!! BTW, I think my record for most posts in a day is 30. Unlike some of those who are now banned, I have a life.
  3. What a beauty she is...but you really can't tell, since the game was outdoors in Winnipeg.
  4. huh? ((waits five minutes)) Ohhh, I get it!
  5. You are correct, sir! However, I can't find a website for them. There is also, of course, the more famous military regiment of Teddy Roosevelt's which shares the same name. The Saskatchewan Roughriders' name comes from the North-West Mounted Police regiment in Regina, who supposedly rode wild broncos while on duty. Hence, the soldiers that rode the horses were called Roughriders (source: Wikipedia, but no citation present).
  6. I'm sorry for the loss. Here's a chick from Toronto to make you feel better.
  7. I am about two more of these moves away from permanently defecting to the CFL.
  8. "Lad I don't know where you've been, but I see you won first prize." The first time my dad ever heard this song he was driving me home from college one Thanksgiving. He nearly drove off the road, he was laughing so hard.
  9. Oh crap, I forgot. Happy birthday, ya big lug.
  10. I couldn't get on MSNBC.com a few minutes ago. And one of the other links posted here didn't work. Seems like the Net is collapsing as we speak because of the news.
  11. It's true. The story's already gone all over the world. A colleague of mine listens to an Irish radio station over the Net and they reported it at the top of the hour. Thirty-nine years old. Honestly, I thought she was 41 or 42.
  12. Hmmm...I thought, considering the video, he was talking about something else.
  13. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much information.
  14. The Lake Erie snow machine on this end is beginning to shut down. I'd say the lake is about three-quarters frozen near Cleveland. I can look out my fifth-floor office window and see a white frozen wilderness as far as the eye can see (where the lake should be).
  15. Not to mention Harry Potter and the Goosebumps series. I may be a devout Christian, but I am vehemently against banning or burning books. Of any type.
  16. I first saw that on the web about four years ago...it was funny then, it's even funnier now. Thanks!
  17. Olivier, she was part of a very popular all-girl band in the early 80s called the Go-Gos. Back then, Belinda carried a few extra pounds on her petite frame. She was also using drugs at the time. In the mid-80s, she kicked her drug habit, lost the weight, and apparently got a makeover, because she suddenly became a LOT prettier. And she was a long way from ugly to begin with. From about 1986-1990, Belinda Carlisle had a strong solo career with several top 5 hits in the United States. For about the last 10-12 years, Belinda and her family have been living in France. Thus, her choice in the music of your homeland. The Go-Gos have reunited a couple of times since about 1993, with Belinda on lead vocals.
  18. Hey, I know when I've been pwned.
  19. No, Lana will only be...Ohhh, I get it! Happy b-day, EC.
  20. Save us, O our government overlords!! Save us from ourselves!!
  21. First new album in 10 years...still hot at 48. But most of the songs are in French? Huh? Never mind...I'll just post these wonderful videos from days gone by: Belinda 1 -- 1987 Belinda 2 -- 1988 Belinda 3 -- 1989 Once upon a time, I felt about Belinda the way SilvernRed feels about Mandy Moore...even though Belinda Carlisle's 11 years older than I am. I still feel she's one of the sexiest women ever, despite the fact that she's only about 5'1".
  22. I'm not a fan of affirmative action. But I truly hate the KKK...using the name of Christ to justify their hate and bigotry. The Klan should go screw themselves.
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