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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Yes, but I don't think I like where this is going.
  2. Lexi, a Cincinnati Bengals cheerleader. Since my choice of beautiful women has been much maligned on this board of late, I decided to try something else...an NFL cheerleader. Hopefully you choosy bastards will approve of the lovely Lexi. If not, well, I can't help your testosterone-addled brains out any further.
  3. Nobody asked you to.
  4. Yes, but as bad as his quoted statement may be, he does have the right to say it. I believe it was Patrick Henry who stated something along the lines of, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to my death your right to say it." And when we lose that right, we lose our nation. That's part of the peril of living in a free society. We haven't lost that right...yet.
  5. Wonder how many caught that. The point here is that TH had to know that what he was saying would create a firestorm. To make a broad-brush statement such as "I hate gay people" would have the liberals crying out for Hardaway's head. I think he had to know this. And I would bet that TH knows gay people personally...maybe they haven't told him that he is gay, but they are nonetheless. I am not a fan of the act. But I don't hate gay people. Just as I don't hate greedy people or people who have adulterous affairs. I've had gay clients, I've had gay friends, and I could not have cared less. It's a stupid statement, but I think TH had another agenda...I just don't know what it could be at this point, other than getting his name back in the papers.
  6. Global warming. That's what Al Gore would say. We have 16 inches on the ground in Cleveland...most snow from a single storm here since 1993.
  7. That video was sickening...I can understand why the announcer said "Take the camera off". I vaguely remember this, but I didn't know it was a Sabres goalie and I had never seen the clip before. I was 19 and in college when it happened, and I certainly didn't have access to ESPN or the Net at the time. No cable TV in my college apartment. What happened to him afterward? He was apparently OK, but how long was he out? And what was his career like after that?
  8. I follow Aston Villa, which is owned by Browns chairman Randy Lerner. There has been some controversy here in Cleveland that Lerner was spending too much time in Birmingham, England with his new team and that he should be concentrating on the Browns. I say, more power to him. Create a whole new fan base for the Cleveland Browns in the Mid-highlands of Great Britain.
  9. I only watch if LeBron is involved somehow. Other than that, the NBA can shrivel up for all I care.
  10. That is funny. I wonder if he was rude to the technical crew and that was their way of getting back at him.
  11. Ouch. Glad you're OK. Go get checked out. You might wake up tomorrow morning really sore.
  12. Hey now! I have no clue what you guys are after as far as women are concerned. I only know what I like. And apparently, I like the girl-next-door types...no, I'm not referring to the movie with Kim Bauer in it. After reading her bio, I saw that this girl's only 18...just about young enough to be my daughter. Speaking of that, where's Meazza? He should comment here.
  13. Even if the music weren't all original, I'd take the chance. Guess I know what I'll be asking for my birthday June 2. EDIT: I once had Herb Tarlek as my avatar here. That should tell you how much I loved that show.
  14. Dork. It's not the depth of the snow, it's what the snow does that counts. I would respond to your claim about me, but I really don't want to get banned.
  15. Picky, picky...no satisfying some of you Clooney wannabes on this board.
  16. Crystal from the Winnipeg Blue Bombers "Blue Thunder" cheerleaders. Any complaints about her will be dealt with forcibly.
  17. From "The Year Without a Santa Claus", a Christmas classic. Unfortunately, it's the only one I could find on YouTube. A longer version was removed.
  18. Snow Miser!!
  19. Thanks! One of my favorites, and I haven't seen it in a while.
  20. 4-5 inches on the ground in Cleveland right now...we are expecting 12-18 inches total by noon tomorrow. I am safely ensconced in the office now, but I have to go to Cuyahoga Falls for court tomorrow afternoon (45 mile drive for me).
  21. My theory was Bob Newhart getting hit in the head with a golfball, and waking up next to Suzanne Pleshette. Uh, never mind.
  22. Has to be this one that I posted back in November. To my knowledge, it never aired in the United States, but it did in Britain.
  23. Ivory soap for my face. Body wash for everything else.
  24. So does mine. There's a Pizza Hut Express inside the Target as well.
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