This morning I went for my usual Sunday morning gas run before church.
It started snowing heavily while I was at the gas station. The roads were more slick than I thought they would be. I almost got into an accident (my second near-miss in the last two days -- yesterday, I literally could not stop before a red light, and had to turn right before I hit two cars going through the green light).
My tires are not new, but they are still good, and my brake discs were just replaced in November. I know it's driver error, but still, I'm getting scared to drive in this weather.
I really, really want the warm temperatures to arrive. It's supposed to be near 40 on Tuesday, with temps in the mid to upper 30s the rest of the week, and 45 on Saturday with plenty of rain for my nephew Brian's first birthday party.
We have close to 20 inches on the ground now...I know it pales in comparison to what a lot of you have, but it's too much for me.