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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. This made me laugh like nothing else since the Retatta thread.
  2. You beat me to it!!!!
  3. Could Tops go any lower? Wait, aren't they closing all of their stores in Western New York and Western PA too? Believe me, no one who didn't work at a Tops in NE Ohio misses them. That started with the firing all of their in-store butchers and meat workers and going to pre-packaged meat. I pretty much stopped shopping there after that...and so did many others.
  4. Yeah, I guess I was complaining. I don't really mind the snow. What I hate is the ice and the constant freezing temperatures that finally broke yesterday. I slipped on ice and broke my arm seven years ago...broke the humerus bone clean in two. No, it was not humerus.
  5. Because American strippers are usually addicted to something. That's why they strip. A lot of them are in debt up to their eyeballs...and have to hand over much of their tip money to their manager/pimp. Canadians? I can't explain, since I'm not Canadian.
  6. And this is a problem, why?
  7. I knew there was a reason why I don't go to strip clubs. BTW, that one you posted (#21, I think) looks like a transsexual.
  8. You were one minute too late, Poojer.
  9. Wait a minute...I just saw this on "How I Met Your Mother". No, really. I did.
  10. It will be #1 vs. #2...but not the way I thought. Wisconsin leapfrogs over the Buckeyes. EDIT: This is confusing...Coaches' poll has Ohio State #1, Wisconsin #2.
  11. That's one of my biggest concerns.
  12. Deal could be announced today. Really, this may be the best move for both of them. I have Sirius, and I absolutely love it. I just hope I will not have to buy a new receiver. But, I really wish that Sirius had baseball. That's the one thing I truly miss on satellite radio. Hopefully, this merger will happen and not run into any regulatory roadblocks.
  13. Exactly. And we can all be happy about that.
  14. Thanks! Currently trying to update it.
  15. I'd rather have the extra foot of snow. Plus, the cost of living in this part of the country is much lower.
  16. Ohio State won today and is set to move to #1 in the polls in basketball...for the first time in forty-five years. Wisconsin is #3 in the polls and is the only Big 10 team to beat Ohio State this year. They play one week from today in Columbus...and may meet again in the Big 10 tournament. Other than the butt-kicking Florida put on us in the BCS Title Game, has there been a better time to be a Buckeyes fan?
  17. This morning I went for my usual Sunday morning gas run before church. It started snowing heavily while I was at the gas station. The roads were more slick than I thought they would be. I almost got into an accident (my second near-miss in the last two days -- yesterday, I literally could not stop before a red light, and had to turn right before I hit two cars going through the green light). My tires are not new, but they are still good, and my brake discs were just replaced in November. I know it's driver error, but still, I'm getting scared to drive in this weather. I really, really want the warm temperatures to arrive. It's supposed to be near 40 on Tuesday, with temps in the mid to upper 30s the rest of the week, and 45 on Saturday with plenty of rain for my nephew Brian's first birthday party. We have close to 20 inches on the ground now...I know it pales in comparison to what a lot of you have, but it's too much for me.
  18. Somebody either was or was not a good girl yesterday. I'm not sure which.
  19. Reason #3,247 why I like this board better.
  20. Was it because of bandwidth issues? Or because not many of us have anything to say? I just started one of my own on blogspot.com. Linky. Only two entries so far...like I have anything earth-shattering to write about.
  21. Carmella is from Avon Lake, only a few miles from me. She dated Jeff Garcia when he played for the Browns. Heather Kozar is married to former Browns QB Tim Couch, and is from the same town as Angie Everhart (Green, which is a suburb of Akron). Put-In-Bay is nuts in the summer...I've only been there once. I prefer Kelleys Island, which is much more sedate. Plus, Kim's uncle owns some cottages up there, so sometimes we get a free couple of nights in the summer.
  22. Thanks to you, I found Beyonce!! Much appreciated.
  23. I knew #6 would be the top vote-getter. (I voted for watch TV...as much as I love the sport, the Golf Channel usually puts me right out.)
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