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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. That may be the only time I have ever rooted against the Buffalo Bills. Boy, was I gripping down the stretch of that playoff game.
  2. I'm doin' just fine thank you.
  3. Ah, good old liberal guilt strikes again.
  4. Um, why should we care about Suze Orman? It's her life. Most of you are Catholic. Aren't priests and nuns supposed to be celibate? No altar boy jokes, please. I would think that many priests and nuns are virgins...most of them probably didn't sow their wild oats before taking their vows. And yet, the church is supposed to hold them in high esteem because they deny their baser instincts. But, we're so saturated by sex in our society that if someone chooses to have a different lifestyle, we think that it's not possible and that they will explode because of all the sexual tension. It literally seems like we worship the sexual act. A person can live a lifetime without sex...it doesn't make them any less of a person if they never got laid.
  5. Sexy might be a bit strong...she is attractive, though. Her writing skills leave a LOT to be desired, however. I don't find 30 Rock all that funny, either (except for the always over-the-top Alec Baldwin).
  6. I saw the article. I don't think I want to watch the video...
  7. I care. Surprise, surprise, I know. I want Brady Quinn, though. Peterson's just too injury prone.
  8. I think that Tom Golisano is somehow involved and you get a new downtown stadium out of this after the Bills move 90 miles up the QEW.
  9. Ouch. But so true.
  10. Shhh...don't wake up the libs over at the PPP board. Some of them were very funny...notice how the tone has changed toward President Bush in 2006 and 2007.
  11. Thanks AJ. I used to be a big SNL fan...even into the Jimmy Fallon years. I tried to like Mad TV, but except for Frank Caliendo, nothing there has really struck me as fall-down funny. I will give SNL another try. I never thought much of Tina Fey as a head writer. One sketch I remember is the "Woomba" commercial, which (ahem) acts as a robot vacuum for the female genitalia. I found that gross...didn't find it funny at all. My wife, the lovely and talented Kimberly, thought it was funny (though rather icky). Go figure.
  12. ((cue music)) "These are a few of my favorite things."
  13. Injuries are hitting the Sabres hard again. But, I don't think Drury's gonna miss as much time as Maxim does. BTW...should be loads of fun on Hockey Night in Canada tomorrow night.
  14. I was wrong earlier. SHE'S the best-looking actress in Hollywood. (I said Catherine Zeta-Jones was) Hamina, hamina, hamina.
  15. It was a classic hockey brawl. BTW, change that weed of an avatar you have.
  16. Maybe, but my dad's worked his butt off for 45 years to get to that point. I believe my mom had to go back to work to qualify for her Social Security (she previously worked for the federal government, took the lump sum, and was then a homemaker until my brother and I were grown). And my dad had a chance at a government job in the early 60s, when he got out of the Army. But, he chose private sector, and is still at it today.
  17. A friend of mine met DJ after a Cavs-Celtics playoff game at the old Richfield Coliseum. It was at the old Barney Google's pub at the Holiday Inn Richfield. I wasn't there, but my friend was a huge Celtics fan at the time. I'm pretty sure he got DJ's autograph...and DJ bought my friend's brother a drink. RIP, Dennis.
  18. I actually like this better. The first video I ever watched on YouTube.
  19. I have never worked a government job. But I am relying on myself...I have a SEP IRA that I have donated to heavily over the past eight years. This is in case there is no Social Security thirty years from now when I turn 67. My parents told me not to rely on Social Security...they are 71 and 70, and get only about $2,600.00 per month total. But, they still work as well.
  20. Not sure what that means...I think it's a swipe at me.
  21. You mean for Wynonna?
  22. Officially going on Anna Nicole watch.
  23. For a long time I thought Ashley Judd was overrated. But, I'm starting to come around. Good pics (esp. the first and second ones).
  24. I didn't see it if it was. Sorry about that. And to think, the one time I actually checked too.
  25. I read the article this morning. We all knew it was coming, but my first thought was: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I will be surprised if Bentley ever plays another down, for the Browns or anyone else.
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