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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Agree with everything you said, but I didn't have to take the Dulcolax, so I wasn't that cranky. That's probably next time.
  2. Shhh, you weren't supposed to tell anyone on this board!
  3. We can't find the pic, so I regret to inform you I will be unable to comment.
  4. Had it done two years ago at age 35. Colon cancer runs in my family. Two months later I was diagnosed with Krohn's Disease, which has nothing to do with it. I asked my doctor about it...he said, "See you for another scope when you're 41". My dad is 70, and since a cancer scare twenty years ago, he has to have the scope done every year. And he has to drink the gallon of the really nasty stuff. I only had to drink the calcium citrate. That tasted like bitter lemon pop...if you pour it over ice, it's probably not bad. Mine wasn't that bad, but you feel like a balloon afterwards. That's why you have to fart a number of times before they let you go home.
  5. Yeah, I can't find the one you're talking about. What was her name? Or do you even remember?
  6. My God, that's funny. I've said it before and I'll say it again: This board NEVER ceases to amaze me.
  7. Boy, the Me generation is really gonna be unhappy when they don't get everything they want before they turn 30.
  8. Oh, come on. It's Jenna Jameson for heaven's sake. She's given more rides than Seabiscuit. She's got more miles on her than NASCAR. And we're supposed to be surprised by this???
  9. Gore's a hypocrite. But then again, so are all politicians. The biggest one is Bubba. "I feel your pain...can I have some of your fries?" The biggest hypocrite in the whole world (literally and figuratively) is that toxic gasbag, Michael Moore. "I don't own any stock"...as he conceals his Haliburton holdings.
  10. Here, we just lost our overnight Fox Sports affiliate in favor of ESPN. And I couldn't be happier. Sedano and company really got on my nerves for some reason. I like Jason Smith better.
  11. The deadbolt broke and I could not get into my condominium. I had to drive back to my office (I didn't have my cell phone...it was in the house), call my wife at work, call a locksmith after 10:00 P.M. on a Sunday night...and wait in the cold until after 11:30 for him to show up. Fortunately, it took him only five minutes to get me into the house, and 30 minutes to set up a new lock. Expensive, but in the long run, it was actually cheaper than I thought it would be, and he showed me that the inside of the lock had basically come apart over time. It could have happened at any time, to Kim or myself...just happened to me then. My poor cat was meowing the whole time I was trying to get into the house, since he had eaten the little bit of food I had set out before I left. I think he was still mad at me this morning. Anyone else have a similar experience?
  12. James Cameron (hmmm...another JC...coincidence?) probably got belted by the nuns one too many times when he was in the fourth grade at Our Lady of Whatever. As a devout Christian, I find it amusing whenever people attempt to debunkify the Son of God. You have to state that approximately 235 different prophecies of Scripture...all of which Jesus fulfills, and He is the only one in history who fulfills them all...is nothing but a bunch of made-up lies. Heck of an effort, to go to all of that trouble, if it isn't true. There are simply some things you have to take on faith. I don't see the world revolving around the sun, but I know it does. I don't see the wind, but I know it exists. And I don't know what they make hot dogs out of, but I know it isn't good for me.
  13. Buckeyes officially No. 1!!!
  14. Question: why would Wikipedia delete the old article?
  15. Yes, I did see that.
  16. I noticed no one has written a Wikipedia article on you-know-what. Should I do so and risk the Wrath of Crayonz?
  17. Need to call my accountant to set an appointment. I pay every year, so Unkie Sam doesn't get his cash until April 15.
  18. Box score linky. And Ohio State wins their second straight Big Ten basketball regular season title!
  19. That, JZ, is a basketball score...a defensive game. Don't see scores like that very much.
  20. Good Lord, is this what political debate has come to in this country? As the great existentialist philosopher Dale Gribble of TV's "King of the Hill" once stated, "I blame the media blamers."
  21. I hear Corey Dillon may be available.
  22. Wow...what a game! Ohio State 49, Wisconsin 48. The Buckeyes will be #1 in both polls now!
  23. Whew! I thought this was another "The Bills are moving to Toronto!" post.
  24. Agree on your first point. SNL has always had a tendency to do that. Remember the skit where the word "penis" was uttered something like 50 times? And that was at least 16 years ago. Mr. Show I liked...but I vehemently disagree on UCB. The only reason ever to watch that piece of crap was Amy Poehler, who now does "Weekend Update" on SNL. Interesting, huh?
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