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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. You know who Ingram reminds me of? And I'm going way back here...Marcus Dupree, circa 1982.
  2. And my prediction was 38-17 Tide.
  3. Beer flavored water. Consider yourself flamed. That said, I will have to try Southern Tier. I saw it at the store the other day and I knew immediately where it was from.
  4. As does Tom Brady.
  5. If Bama gets a TD here, it would be devastating for the Longhorns. BTW, I can't stand either of these teams. It was nice to see BlueFire post here earlier, though. Haven't seen him in a while.
  6. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
  7. She's not bad now, for that matter, regardless of whether you like her politics.
  8. Usually Christmas morning. This year, Kim and I opened our gifts this morning. Sadly, Kim has to go into work at 6:00 tonight, and 6:00 tomorrow night as well. That's what happens when you're a nurse. I'm joining my folks for Christmas tomorrow afternoon, and we're doing Christmas with Kim's family on Saturday. She's also going over to my parents' house to open her gifts on Sunday. So, we technically have four days of Christmas here. This has never happened before, and it's probably a one-time thing, even though Kim works every other Christmas.
  9. The video of the snowball fight is Exhibit 1 of why I hate Philadelphia fans. Eagles fans are the absolute worst. They are even worse than Steelers fans, and considering my experience, that's saying something. This video is Exhibit 2. It was filmed prior to an Eagles-Packers game in Green Bay in 2007. If Packers fans tried that in Philadelphia, they would be beaten to a cheese-like pulp. The only redeeming thing in this video are the two hotties dancing with the group.
  10. There's a reason for that. Why do you think Fox News is the top rated news channel? They may be the most conservative of the bunch, but they hire women who are easy on the eyes. MSNBC has the Rachel Maddow, Carpet Muncher show and that annoying blonde who's on with Joe Scarborough in the mornings. CNN has (or had?) Soledad O'Brien and Campbell Browne...and that's about it. HLN has Robin Meade (A big yes to her), Jane Velez-Mitchell (OK if you turn the sound down), the evil Graceless Harridan Who Must Not Be Named, and Joy Behar (runs screaming from the room). So that's my theory on why Fox News is on top. They hire women whom you would like to have on top.
  11. Like you needed anything else?
  12. I'm going to gripe about people who complain. Wait, this is a message board. What the hell else did I expect??
  13. Stole it from /dev/null, whom I give credit to.
  14. This proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that when it comes to football, Kansas Jayhawk fans are idiots. They are great with basketball, one of the top three fan bases in this country, but they don't know squat about football. Gill is a great hire and will lead KU back to national prominence. I may start following Jayhawk football now because Turner Gill is there. Plus, KU was smart enough to get rid of the one football coach in this country fatter than Charlie Weis.
  15. I noticed nearly half of the votes for male character went to Dwight...and deservedly so. It's to the point now that Rainn Wilson will always be known for this character. He is that good. Females are a little harder, as there really hasn't been a breakout character (Pam's the closest), but I gotta go with Erin. She brings a breath of fresh air in replacing Pam in the attractive receptionist role, and I think she's really funny to boot. I would like to see Andy and Erin be the new relationship, but wait at least a year, because the office is pretty incestuous as it is.
  16. Dammit, man, stop it! I clicked on your link and realized it too late. I was going to chastise you for the Onion article, but realized that you got the joke.
  17. Hey! I resemble that remark.
  18. RIP Ken. One of the better game shows of my generation.
  19. Disagree. Here are my five: 1) Pats go 18-1. 2) Pats go 18-1. 3) Pats go 18-1. 4) Pats go 18-1. 5) Pats go 18-1. Repeat as needed. Schadenfreude. It's what's for dinner.
  20. That may indeed be the best way to explain the Trinity. When I pray, I pray to God in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. The Holy Spirit is to point the way to Jesus and (perhaps) to inform our conscience of when we have sinned or done wrong.
  21. I feel bad for the kid. I looked at the picture and it reminded me of an alien. I'm wondering if something isn't wrong there.
  22. There's not a whole lot to do in Findlay. It's not even Bowling Green, which at least has the university and a Waffle House.
  23. It's been all over the news here. I even found the story on a London newspaper site this morning. That's not a good neighborhood, BTW. Lots of vacant houses and crack dens. It's not safe even in the daytime. Truly horrific. It makes me wonder how many more serial killers are out there.
  24. Link to ESPN story. How bad is Steinbrenner's health, really? Cleveland is his hometown (in fact, he was born in the same town where I grew up, Rocky River, Ohio). George Steinbrenner still has a lot of friends in the Cleveland area. The story I've heard more than once is advanced Alzheimer's. Supposedly, Steinbrenner was diagnosed after collapsing at a funeral about six years ago. I believe it's the main reason you didn't hear a peep out of him after the 3-0 collapse in 2004. I thought George would have had half the team and the GM drawn and quartered after that. But, not a word. He was not at Game 6 last night...he was at his home in Tampa. According to the article, tears came to his eyes. That actually moved me a little bit. Steinbrenner is not that much older than my mom and dad, who are both pushing 75 and thankfully, in good health. I am not a Yankee fan (far from it, as is known on this board). But this Yankee team is a likeable team, maybe not quite as hard to hate as the 1996-2000 version, but close. Nick Swisher is my favorite non-Cleveland Indian player, and he's on this world champion team. As much as it pains me to say, and it goes against my upbringing and everything good in my body: Congrats to the New York Yankees. They were the best team. And they did it for George Steinbrenner.
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