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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Is Erin smuggling grapefruit under her shirt?
  2. A phrase which we are all familiar with. Can't the Sabres just be the Sabres of hockey?
  3. TMNT... (((shakes head))) Reason #4,271 that shows there is nothing new under the sun. When the TV show came out in the late '80s, it was fresh and witty. I hadn't seen anything like it. And the first movie is actually pretty good. Of course, with all good things, it got run into the ground. And now...it's back. I suppose that I should invest in Cabbage Patch Dolls while I'm at it.
  4. The show is set in Buffalo. We start in June 1994, when the protagonist is 32, unemployed, and living with his parents. Today, he's supposed to be the richest man in Buffalo (richer than Golisano or Jeremy Jacobs? He must be loaded.). The major background event is the OJ slow speed chase. Piece of cra...uh, pretty good show. Honestly, it had its moments...but I thought I saw DVD cases in the video store where the guy worked at. That would tell me that they didn't do their research very well.
  5. This is the one I am sorry to see go. I have London's jersey. I always thought he was a solid player...a Cleveland guy, went to John Carroll, has a Super Bowl ring from the Rams...and now he's a Deadskin. But, I have to believe that there is a plan here. Since Fletcher is going to be 32 this year, this was probably his last shot at a big contract...so he went for the most money. Too bad. I would have liked for him to come back home to Cleveland, but the Brownies never even made a play for him.
  6. 8 years? 80 million? I'm glad the Browns didn't try to match that. Nate is a very good player...but he needs to be better than Ronnie Lott to justify that contract in SF.
  7. The only time in my life I've ever liked Derek Jeter in anything. The Yankee wives sketch, with Jeter, Cone, and David Wells in drag was funnier than anything they've had on this year. "I don't like that Jeter...he looks like what would happen if The Rock had sex with a Muppet."
  8. One other scene...people in the theater were actually cheering the first time I saw the film back in 1989.
  9. But I'm not from Buffalo. Thought you knew that already...no worries though. Around the same time, OJ was making around $450K a year in Buffalo. What would a player of his caliber be making today at the 12% annual inflation figure?
  10. Different sport, different era, but the same idea: After the 1976 season, the Cleveland Indians signed free agent pitcher Wayne Garland to a 10 year, $2.3 million dollar contract. Thirty years ago, $2.3 million was like $75 million is now. After he signed the contract, Garland noted Cleveland's then-bad reputation throughout baseball and said, "For that kind of money, I'd play in Siberia." Garland blew out his elbow in 1977 and had a career record of 15-29 in four years with the Tribe. The team paid him through 1986.
  11. I still think Nate's coming home to Cleveland. The Browns have shown a propensity to collect players from this area (Frye, Bentley, Jurevicius, et al.).
  12. One media report here had Steinbach already agreeing in principle with the Browns. Don't believe that at this point. Steinbach still has to go to Tampa Bay and Seattle...both this weekend, even though the Browns will probably throw millions at him before he leaves the complex in Berea. Rack up those frequent flier miles.
  13. And all the female teachers I had were about 55. So what's your point?
  14. Peyton's gotta be on top of the world right now... He'll probably do just fine.
  15. Bluffton College team on board. Bluffton is about an hour SW of Toledo. My alma mater, Mount Vernon Nazarene, used to play Bluffton in baseball. MVNU was/is a traditional NAIA power, Bluffton is Division III. Did the driver fall asleep at the wheel? This is so sad.
  16. Ugh...I feel terrible for the families of those kids at that high school.
  17. $2.50 - $2.55 per gallon in the Cleveland area. Up 50 cents since Christmas. Money grubbin' bastards.
  18. Good man. BTW, Indians over the Astros, 13-2 in the first ST game today.
  19. Man, where were all these teachers in the early 1980s?
  20. Who gives a s--- it's gone!
  21. Me like...she's got that Keri Russell hair thing workin'.
  22. If this happened in real life. Spring training games start today. Go Tribe!
  23. If it were Ohio, I'd say pay the ticket, keep your ticket copy until you die, and have it buried with you. In all seriousness, don't ignore a traffic ticket. You could wind up with a license suspension, which can only lead to more problems and higher insurance rates.
  24. RJ Travis Henry
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