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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. I can tell you what I saw: For the past two years, I have marched in the Cleveland St. Patrick's Day Parade. I was supposed to march on March 17, 2005 as well, but that was the day I had my stomach surgery. Anyway, I was on the train downtown. 15 year old kids were drinking, as well as 50 year old adults... And the big thing I saw was two 18 year old girls making out and being egged on by their male classmates. One was a hot blonde...the other, not so much. If it were Belinda Carlisle and Lea Thompson, then I would probably be more interested.
  2. Oooh...kinda morbid, but I did get a chuckle.
  3. Wrong topic. The People Who Annoy You category is above this one.
  4. Yes, a 49ers cheerleader in the early 80s.
  5. OK, I'll go old school: Jenilee Harrison, former Embraceable Ewe (Los Angeles Rams cheerleader).
  6. I like Datish. He has the intangibles for a long career as a quality NFL lineman. I'm talking 10 years plus. Most people (and surprisingly, scouts included) don't realize that you have to have brains to be a lineman, in order to remember all of the pass and run-blocking schemes. It's why Mandarich failed in the NFL, and why Gallery and (notoriously here) Mike Williams, are failing. Pure size and speed are nice on the line, but not needed as badly as say, running back. The kind of line that you want is a bunch of lunchpail guys who are not afraid to work in the trenches and get their hands dirty. Joe D. was that type of player. Kent Hull and Jim Richter were those type of players. It's one reason why the Bills' line had so much success in the late 80s and through much of the 90s. If Datish is there in the third round (or even the fourth), by all means, take him!!!
  7. Most posts doesn't count. That leaves out Alaska Darin. This is a HARD question. I'll have to think about it...DC Tom? Jack in Syracuse? Superguy? The Dean? Ice? Jay? Those are just the first six off the top of my head.
  8. I forgot my Fox News talking points last night.
  9. Didn't Carol Burnett sue the National Enquirer and win about 25 years ago? IIRC, it was about alleged drug use. She sued for libel, and won a seven-figure judgment. Perhaps she thinks lightning can strike twice. Oh, BTW Carol, Alyssa Milano beat you to it. EDIT: Carol Burnett's Wikipedia entry says that the National Enquirer suit was for drunkenness and "making a spectacle upon meeting Henry Kissinger". I really don't wanna picture that in my mind.
  10. I think it was a different time...those clips are from the late '80s. Even Eddie doesn't do that stuff anymore. Some of his routines I found funny, and some I didn't. Richard Pryor was a better overall comedian, but Eddie isn't far behind him. Like it or not, society has changed...and not for the better. Everybody whines today, whether it be the gay lobbies or me about Sarah Silverman.
  11. I forgot, the Sultan of Subs, the Fat Man himself: Michael Moore (I'm surprised...I don't think anyone mentioned him.)
  12. Last week I said Sarah Silverman. But she's not the only one... Several of the anchors on ESPN...Stuart Scott and Kenny Mayne, you know who you are. I scanned through these entries...did anyone say Tom Brady yet? This guy's lived a charmed life for so long, Pats fans thought he was a deity...now Bridget is preggers and Gisele whats-her-name may be. Those in the media who think we HAVE to know who the current front-runner for President in 2008 is. It's still TWENTY FRIGGIN' MONTHS until the election! Do you idiots have anything else to talk about? Apparently not. Valerie "I'm so photogenic that everyone will listen to me trash the administration" Plame. Your 15 minutes are up, Val. And I don't care if she's 43 and looks 30. She seems to be in it for the fame and the book/movie deals. That hag who was behind Valerie Plame with the "Impeach Bush" t-shirt. Your 15 seconds are up. Those who yell "Impeach Bush". Uh, did any of you mensas read the Constitution lately? If Bush is forced out of office, who takes over? That's right, the one who most of the impeachment crowd think is really pulling the strings.
  13. As a Murphy, I like it. But I have heard it before...like most Irish jokes. What constitutes Irish foreplay? "Brace yourself, Bridget."
  14. Jennifer Tilly
  15. Robin Meade
  16. I like, but her birthdate is April 4, 1986. I was a junior in high school then. Suddenly, I feel old.
  17. Jill McGill...female golfer. Probably the best looking one before Natalie Gulbis came around.
  18. Shania Twain Faith Hill
  19. Jennifer Lopez Catherine Zeta-Jones Jennifer Garner
  20. A person's political beliefs or their feelings about the war should not detract from the fact that this guy's come a long way...he has had terrific life experience, more than 95% of the naysayers ever will. Will there be postmortem criticism of Pat Tillman because of his decision?
  21. WTAM radio in Cleveland's "Babe of the Day". I don't recall who came up with it on this board (NavyBillsFan? USMCBillsFan?), but I think they may be happy with the results...
  22. Sleep. My cat has awoken me with his incessant meowing the last two nights.
  23. Good for Pittsburgh...this team will be a legitimate Cup contender as early as next year (even though they're #5 in the East right now, I think they are too young this season). The Kansas City Penguins didn't sound right anyway.
  24. My grandmother, who died in 2004, told me of her experience with the 1989 Bay Area/World Series Earthquake. She said you could hear it coming, and after 40 years in California, she knew to head for the doorway. Grandma also said she could see out the window, and the cars in the parking lot of her apartment building were, in her words, "bouncing like basketballs".
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