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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. I like him...and it wouldn't be the first time we had an actor as President. EDIT: Here's another reason why I'd vote for Thompson. I used to like James Dobson, but now I think he's really gone of the deep end. Stick to Focus on the Family, Dr. Dobson, and keep your nose out of the political arena.
  2. Should have kept the old powder blue unis and made them the permanent home uniforms. Don't know why every NFL team has to fool around with their jerseys. Look at the Packers, Bears (except for those horrid orange ones), Browns, Steelers, Raiders, etc...they keep the old ones and the classic look. It's for the same reason the NFL does everything else they do...to make more money.
  3. Thanks Dean. Haven't heard this in a while. Happy Easter, everyone, and a belated Happy Passover for those who celebrate.
  4. Well, at least the mayor can poke a little fun at himself.
  5. I'm sure Dean or Rico could find Valerie and Roseanne online somewhere.
  6. RIP. Always felt bad for Darryl.
  7. Apparently, she's put on weight over the years. Still pretty and about to turn 47 (!), she will be on the cover of next week's People Magazine and has announced she will be in a series of commercials with Kirstie Alley regarding Jenny Craig. Valerie blames her divorce from Eddie Van Halen, in part, for her weight gain. Also, her sixteen year old son (yes, Wolfgang) is going on the diet with her. Boy, Valerie was incredible way back when...and I cursed Eddie when I found out he married her. And I guarantee you all can see this coming: she has promised to take the weight off "one day at a time".
  8. Way too easy, but I'll do it anyway. More than the French do.
  9. Saw her on Saturday during practice at Quicken Loans Arena for the Final Four. Are you hoping to have some sort of super-athletic children together?
  10. Huh. Bet Tori's glad she didn't get the role.
  11. Yippee-kay-yea.
  12. Holy crap, that's funny!!!
  13. All these aging 60's feminists must be wondering at what point the world went "Girls Gone Wild" on them. That said, I REALLY hope that I don't have any daughters...and that my sister-in-law will give my nephew Brian a little brother come this September.
  14. Agreed. I don't like the way we're going at all.
  15. I've never been a fan of Alanis and I don't find her attractive. However, that video was pretty funny, I admit. Fergie is a slut. She deserves to be made fun of. Tori Amos...very talented and pretty, though Tori seems like a wounded soul. Ed...Rutgers' women's team lost last night here in Cleveland. HAHAHAHAHA My wife and I went to the open house at The Q for the women's Final Four last Saturday, after going to the open house at Jacobs Field. We saw the Lady Vols practice. I'm not a Tennessee fan, and I got sick of their pep band playing "Rocky Top". (a side note: I agree wholeheartedly with the old line Steve Spurrier had: You can't spell "Citrus" without UT.)
  16. It lives! It cannot be killed off! Run for your lives!
  17. Someone in the comment section said "Another Ohio 3 point miss". Ouch. But funny.
  18. Rachel Specter looks like Denise Richards' younger, hotter sister.
  19. Tell me about it. What I pretty much expected would happen...except Oden looked very good. I figure he won't be back, but Matta's got an excellent class coming in for '08. They will be among the elite again next season. GO BUCKS!
  20. Hmmm...it's not showing up on my computer. Anyone else having a problem?
  21. Your linky isn't showing up in the post, but it is in the response. Contact SDS at once. Thank you. EDIT: You're right, Poojer, the mom IS smokin' hot. Maybe in my late thirties I'm starting to notice these things more.
  22. Challenge, yes. But the Gators have more overall talent. Then again, so did Villanova, Houston in 1983, Oklahoma in 1988, and Kentucky in 1997.
  23. My guess is the Shakespearean ending and everyone dies.
  24. And to think her hubby traded her in for online porn. As the great existentialist philosopher Butt-head once wisely stated: "Some people are dumb."
  25. Sloopy better hang on for dear life tonight. The Buckeyes need a big game from Butler and/or Lewis in order to win. I am very impressed with the Gators. Their big distraction is whether or not Billy Donovan is headed to the Bluegrass State (I think he is going to Kentucky if Florida wins tonight). I'm a realist. This time, the Buckeyes are the underdog. Ohio State can win this game, but will need to be nearly perfect to do it. Not as perfect as Villanova was in 1985, but close. BTW, expect a big Buckeye crowd tonight...like three months ago in Arizona, but it didn't do them very good that night. Honestly? Florida is likely to win and repeat as national champions. The line is 6, which I think is about right. But, that doesn't stop me from rooting for my beloved Buckeyes. da da da da, da da da da GO BUCKS!!!
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