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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I thought the Canada strike episode was better. Although I'm glad I was not enjoying a beverage during the Fievel/American Tail parody with the singing schlong. I would have done the world's biggest spit take on that one.
  2. Thanks for reminding us about annual physicals. My last one was in 2006, so I need to schedule one soon.
  3. I gotta get with the 21st century, I know. Blank VCR tapes are getting harder and harder to find.
  4. Um guys, when SnR DOES show up, he'll probably kill all of you.
  5. I'm taping "The Office" for my wife, who is a much bigger fan of the show than I am.
  6. This show had to be a repeat. The Rods were on earlier this year, b/c I watched nearly the whole show. The one that intrigued me was the one about the thunderbirds. Actually, it scared the heck out of me.
  7. So beer makes pretty girls drop trau, eh? Surprise, surprise.
  8. I haven't seen the remake, but I remember how depressing the original was. Actually, if you've ever seen "Threads" (a BBC docudrama on the aftermath of a nuclear war and how it affects England), THAT is terrifying. It makes "The Day After" look like a Saturday morning cartoon. Someone has cut up "Threads" and posted it on YouTube...it's still the scariest prgram I've ever seen on television. I saw it on late night television here in Cleveland, probably about 1988 or 1989. I couldn't finish watching it, and didn't until only a few months ago.
  9. RIP, Ben-Hur. Hard to believe he only had one Oscar nomination...and he won it for the above character.
  10. I thought we couldn't be negative in our speech if AT&T was our ISP.
  11. Between this and his baby's mama, Leinart seems to be a douchebag. On the other hand, if you had his millions and were an NFL QB, you'd be doing the same thing.
  12. Ramius, there's a reason why it's called "dope".
  13. I don't know how old you are, but "The Day After" was pretty huge for a while in the 80s. I think it's still the highest-rated made for TV movie ever. And yes, Guttenberg had a role in it.
  14. The attitude in some of those posts sucks. My God. Someone else said that it's easier to criticize than to praise. So true.
  15. Happy Birthday, ya big lug. I'm only two months behind you for 39.
  16. Love the Halloween pic with the mustache! Thanks so much!
  17. In other news, a fourth "Major League" movie is planned, according to the original's Wikipedia page. No other details, except that pre-production might begin soon, are listed. What do you think..."Major League 4: Beating a Dead Horse" for a title?
  18. I have AT&T at work and Netzero at home. Can't stand Netzero. AT&T at least works more than half the time.
  19. Canada on Strike! I guess we have a new reason to blame Canada then...
  20. 1) Brando in "The Godfather"...to me, the best performance ever. 2) Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones 3) Christopher Reeve in "Superman"...surprised this hasn't been listed and I can't imagine anyone else in the role. 4) Robert Duvall in "The Apostle"...IMO, the best American actor the last 25 years. 5) Pedro from "Napoleon Dynamite"...a laconic tour de force.
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