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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. "Oh Mandy: Why I Wanna Kill Barry Manilow" by SilverNRed
  2. She was facing 50 years in federal drydock. I think she offed herself. Hey, there were probably a LOT of high muckety-mucks in DC who wanted her dead, but I think she simply took care of matters on her own.
  3. I think that was it. It was about 11 or 12 years ago, so the time frame's about right.
  4. And don't think liberals would like to intrude on people's lives every bit as much as the conservatives do. Just in different areas...how kids are parented, how "tolerant" we need to be, etc. I've claimed to be conservative in the past, but I'm much more libertarian now...everyone leave everyone else alone, unless laws are being broken.
  5. It is right up near the top, isn't it? I've criticized Charles before, but he was 100% right on this one. BTW, a side note...did I ever tell you I met him briefly? Well, not really meet. I saw him in court in Cleveland and I nodded at him. Figured the guy just wanted to be left alone, no autograph seekers -- he was in the private area near the judge's chambers. And he's only about 6'3", not 6'5" as has been listed.
  6. Simply by its term, Nazis were Socialists and had much more in common with Communism than we realize. Thus, it's a misnomer for anyone to call conservatives "Nazis" because they're on opposite ends of the political spectrum. Call them right wingers; hell, call them fascists (that term is better b/c the Fascist Party in Italy was more to the right than the Nazis). But don't call conservatives "Nazis", since it's "politically incorrect" (pun very much intended) to do so.
  7. As with many things in life, conspiracy theorists run amok. Including with Hitler. He would be long since dead by now anyway...born 119 years ago. Hitler was 10 days past his 56th birthday when he killed himself (and I believe he did the deed). I also believe Elvis is dead, JFK was killed by Oswald and our government wasn't behind 9/11.
  8. Oh, good Lord, that's funny.
  9. RIP...give my regards to Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.
  10. This is not a story. Miley Cyrus didn't do anything wrong. OK, the nude back pic is a bit creepy, and you can see her ribs, but she didn't do anything wrong. I disagree overall with Pete's views, but I agree as far as this is concerned: I have no kids and stay away from the Disney Channel...why the hell do I know who Miley Cyrus is, anyway? I remember how several people on this board couldn't wait for the Olsen twins to turn 18, so we could see the big Playboy spread. Same with Lindsay Lohan...wait, we might actually see that one before it's all said and done, but really, Lindsay 2008 can't hold a candle to Lindsay 2004. The aforementioned Playboy spreads haven't happened...at least not yet. Miley Cyrus still has three years to go to 18, and I'm sure she doesn't want to be lumped into the has-been crowd at the ripe old age of 22. Thus, her willingness to branch out into something edgier than Hannah Montana. Notice no word from Disney on whether such photos violate any "morals clause" in her contract.
  11. I really don't think any of us are surprised by this. Baseball players are the biggest p---y hounds on the planet. I remember being at a minor league baseball game several years ago, where I was sitting being a young woman wearing one of the shortest denim miniskirts I've ever seen. At one point she put her feet up on the vacant chair in front of her and spread her legs apart. We were only three or four rows up on the third base side, and I noticed the catcher looking at her a few moments later. Baseball players have a term for that...it's called "beaver shooting".
  12. "How to Win Friends and Influence People on Internet Message Boards" by Tom Donahoe
  13. That is part of it. The Browns are unhappy that Winslow wants a new deal after only two good seasons. I'll give Winslow this: he does play hurt, and he does play hard. He seemed to have grown up quite a bit since his accident of 2005, but I think he should live up to the terms he signed for. The Browns are on the cusp of some great things, and I would think Winslow wants to be a part of it, but I may be wrong.
  14. My understanding is that he was busy putting the DUI offender in the squad car at the time. He heard the car, but couldn't get out of the way soon enough. Either way, cars can and do hurt, maim, and kill. It is a weapon when used at someone.
  15. After reading this, I thought I'd fallen asleep for nine months and woke up in January 2009.
  16. The officers did what they had to do in firing on the guy. Their lives were in danger b/c Bell was using a deadly weapon (a car) against police officers. The one problem I have here...50 shots? From one officer? Five probably would have done the trick. I'm sure many police officers are questioning the need to fire 50 shots...even stopping to reload. Many of the cops I've known are decent people. One officer I know killed a guy who shot at cops -- this guy swore he'd never be taken alive. This officer was so physically distraught that he vomited after it happened. Later, this officer was shot in the face himself, but survived. He also had a leg badly broken when a car hit him during a DUI stop. Believe it or not, he's still a police officer today. He's earned respect. That's an extreme example, I know, but remember that 95% of these people put their lives on the line for the rest of us every single day. The other 5% may not be able to be trusted, but guess what? 5% of people in everyday life are douchebags, too.
  17. Believe it or not, that's #2 on my list!
  18. Well, I know why you like it. Same reason I do. Problem is, I violated a man-law by calling her "yummy"...lost in The Great Stadium Wall Collapse of 2008.
  19. I really like this one. Short Version Long Version Flame away.
  20. When you were as bad as the Chiefs were at the end of last year (and I think an argument can be made that they were really the second-worst team, after Miami), you need all the help you can get. Picking at the top of every round helps, but the players have to come through, of course.
  21. Yes, they have. Herm Edwards says he wants five starters coming out of this draft. I think they have 3 so far...quick, can you name five Chiefs players from 2007?
  22. Listening to Sirius NFL Radio here...these guys think it's a good pick.
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