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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Huh. Where's Meazza when you need him?
  2. Beer, glorious beer. And sports too!
  3. I've actually heard of most of those artists. First time in about 10 years.
  4. Just because two people can have a child doesn't mean they should have a child. Parenting's the hardest job in the world. It's also the easiest one to get. If the male forgets to wear the condom or it breaks or the woman didn't take her pill, the job could be yours. In my work as a Guardian ad Litem/CASA for Juvenile Court, I've seen plenty of people who never should have been parents. Because the kids suffer needlessly. I'm not pro-gay adoption or marriage for that matter, but I certainly see your point. Dobson and some of the others want to paint a broad brush and stereotype those who want the same rights we enjoy. As far as people being gay are concerned, I've been friends with some and had gay clients in my law practice. I couldn't care less what they do in the bedroom. That's none of my business.
  5. Man, I so badly want to insert a Chappaquiddick joke here, but I think that's bad taste. Get well soon, Senator.
  6. I hope that they can win their first title in 12 years. Being in Cleveland, I only get to see this sport on TV, and not very often, but I do like it. Hope for a big crowd at HSBC tonight, too. BTW...gotta sneak this in...GO CAVS tomorrow!!
  7. I've heard this is a done deal. Most people in Ohio seem to be Tribe fans these days, and I think this would be an excellent move for the Indians. As much as I hate to see them say bye-bye to Buffalo, this would be the right thing to do, long-term. With that move, four of the Indians' farm clubs would be within a 2 1/2 hour drive from Cleveland (Columbus, Akron, Lake County, Mahoning Valley). I can certainly understand why the Tribe brass would want Columbus as their top farm club, and the new stadium (Huntington Park, about a block from Nationwide Arena) would be a bonus.
  8. In the NBA, it's San Antonio. Consistent winning, challenging for titles, beautiful arena that's only 5 years old. NFL? Gotta be the Steelers, as much as it pains for me to say it. A close second would be Green Bay. In baseball, which doesn't have a salary cap, I have to go with the Cardinals. Second would be the Angels (their owner's done a nice job with that team). The A's have been small-market models for most of this past decade, however. And the Indians nearly went to the Series last year with the 22nd highest payroll. In hockey? Red Wings, hands down. Overall best franchise? Spurs, followed by the Red Wings and Cardinals.
  9. Jim has his plate full already, what with playing pranks on Dwight and banging Pam and all.
  10. And Ryan...knew that something bad was gonna happen with him. I just didn't know what. Can't find the YouTube video they showed, but it could be up sometime today. EDIT: EDIT: Here's the NBC website clip of what the full YouTube video looks like.
  11. The last two shows, I think, salvaged a subpar season for "The Office". Last week's was very good. This week's was the best all season.
  12. Neither one...I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet. But you really had to watch it until the last three seconds.
  13. Yes!! One of only two dramas I'll actually watch these days. The other, of course, is "Lost".
  14. Did anyone see the ending? Holy crap, that was unexpected.
  15. OK, back to Tina Fey. Hot. I've been saying that for quite a while. Kinda like Bailey from WKRP, except Bailey was hotter on the show than Tina.
  16. There goes our God-given freedom to secretly download porn.
  17. Hot. There's just something about her. I can't explain it. Joe Namath probably could.
  18. Congrats! What's the traditional 30th anniversary gift?
  19. 57%. Barely lean towards Dixie. My mom is from West Virginia and I've been there quite often. But most of my scores reflected Great Lakes and Midwestern tendencies. Hmmm...
  20. Saw it a few years ago. One of the more depressing movies I've ever seen. I didn't care much for Gallo's character. I've known enough people like that in my life.
  21. I'm not a huge fan...I watch him from time to time, but I'm really starting to hate our news/infotainment culture. Same reason why I don't watch that harridan Nancy Grace. I'd love to see a video of her that would ruin her career.
  22. That's gotta be 12-13 years old. He had more hair then. Classic Irish temper...hey, I've gone nuts before too. The only problem with it is, Bill O'Reilly didn't do it on live television. Neither did Chris Berman. This is wholly irrelevant in the same way Berman's rant was.
  23. "The Office", except for this past week, has been terrible since the strike ended. And it hasn't been great all year. I wonder if it's suffering from the same thing that killed Moonlighting years ago...have two of the leads get together, and the quality of the show goes downhill as a result.
  24. I'll never look at Cookie Monster or Grover the same way again.
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