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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Oooh, those bad evil religious people. Spreading their ideas all over the world to unsuspecting good humanistic people. Forgive me if I sound proud, but I feel that I am uniquely able to critique this article (I did read it a couple of weeks ago). I've been in evangelical churches all my life and currently teach Sunday School. I once considered myself a member of the Christian political right, although I no longer do, as I've become much more libertarian over the last five years or so. Some of it he gets right, especially the general psychological feeling of wanting to be a part of something that is bigger than you are. Other times, the writer shows just what an ass he is. He judges these well-meaning people and while I don't agree with most of what went on during this "Encounter Weekend", these people are honestly attempting to live their lives centered on Jesus Christ. See, true Christianity is the life you live when no one else is watching. When I worked at a Christian radio station in college twenty years ago, there was a popular song called "Tuesdays & Thursdays", about living a holy lifestyle the other days of the week. Yes, it takes commitment and yes, it's difficult. You have to want to do it. I've never been on one of these "Encounter Weekends", but I've been to Bible camp and plenty of revival services in my day. The key to living the Christian life is to realize that we as humans are small and what God really wants us to be is faithful to Him. He gave His Son Jesus to us so a) we could be saved from hell and b) so we wouldn't have to go through life alone. Remember too that there are jerks in churches, just like there are jerks everywhere else. As a friend of mine said years ago, don't let the bastards get you down.
  2. Not only was it a slow news day in Raleigh, it's a slow news day in Bluefireland as well.
  3. Remember that he not only directed "Tootsie", he played Dustin Hoffman's agent as well. That scene between Pollack and Hoffman in drag at the Russian Tea Room is one of the funniest ever. RIP, Sydney.
  4. It is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. And I mean that. :rolleyes:
  5. I've hated Joey Porter as a player for years, but he's dead-bang right on this one. And don't forget, he gets to go after Brady two games per season. I have a feeling he's gonna knock Brady into the swampy South Florida soil a number of times this fall.
  6. Ain't gonna happen. The Browns are still high on Davis, and certainly see a role for him somewhere.
  7. My God, that's gross.
  8. Thanks...I gotta get over to B.A. Sweetie. For me, it stops and starts with the Caramello bar. Mmmm..good stuff.
  9. Oh, gee, I thought you were an evil heartless conservative who hated drug users and hippies and wanted to kick them all square in the nuts. In other words, you're Eric Cartman. j/k BTW. I agree 100% with you.
  10. This is not a LAMP. Be proud, Lori.
  11. We need more of those today. RIP.
  12. My question is did Obama repeal the 22nd Amendment? Because he couldn't run again in 2016.
  13. Hagee is not McCain's pastor. For goodness sake, they're not even in the same state. Hagee's church is Cornerstone Church in San Antonio. McCain lives in Phoenix. McCain was seeking the endorsement of a prominent evangelical minister. That's all he was doing. However, I question McCain's motives, because even though I'm a devout Christian, I don't really trust John Hagee (or any other prominent televangelist, especially Benny Hinn) all that much. Hagee looks and sounds too much like my dad. Sorry, that may come off as an insult to my dad. Hagee also was divorced and married another woman in his former church sometime in the mid-70s. I'm surprised that hasn't been a bigger controversy in Christian circles. There were rumors of an affair. But, Hagee's church has 16,000 members. That's a lot of votes, even in Republican country.
  14. Statement on Web site This statement about the accident appeared at www.stevencurtischapman.com. MARIA SUE CHAPMAN, DAUGHTER OF STEVEN CURTIS CHAPMAN, DIES IN ACCIDENT AT FAMILY HOME NASHVILLE, TN...5/21/08... At approximately 5pm on the afternoon of Wednesday May 21st, Maria Sue Chapman, 5 years old and the youngest daughter to Steven and Mary Beth Chapman was struck in the driveway of the Chapman home in Franklin, TN. Maria was rushed to Vanderbilt Childrens Hospital in Nashville, transported by LifeFlight, but died of her injuries there. Maria is one of the close knit family's six children and one of their three adopted daughters. More than five years ago, Chapman and his wife MaryBeth founded The Shaohannah’s Hope Ministry after bringing their first adopted daughter, Shaohannah, home from China. The ministry’s goal is to help families reduce the financial barrier of adoption, and has provided grants to over 1700 families wishing to adopt orphans from around the world. Chapman is a five-time GRAMMY ® winner and 54-time Dove Award winning artist who has sold over 10 million albums and garnered 44 No. 1 singles.
  15. Gene Hackman is now 78. Apparently, he's at least semi-retired. I only hear him doing commercials for Lowe's these days. In the film "PCU", a student does his senior thesis proving that either Gene Hackman or Michael Caine are in every single film ever made. BTW...Gene Hackman is underrated. Maybe the best supporting actor ever.
  16. Thus, the nickname Chelski, b/c they are owned by an alleged Russian mobster.
  17. News report from Nashville TV station. Nashville Tennesseean article. Please pray for the Chapman family. This is truly a horrific thing. I can't imagine what must be going through their minds...especially the son who was driving.
  18. I want what all of you are smoking. It must be some really good stuff.
  19. I reiterate my original question...what was he thinking?!?!?
  20. Since I'm an Aston Villa fan (see my avatar), I hate both Man U and Chelsea. The Villans finished 6th in the Premiership, but have been much better than they were earlier this decade. Because of their owner. Randy Lerner. Yes, the same Randy Lerner that owns the Cleveland Browns. I watched the first half of the game on ESPN2 tape delay last night...I didn't see all of the highlights until this morning. I wish they could do something other than penalty kicks to decide the title, but it's similar to a hockey shootout. I don't know how else they can decide the title, once you play 120 minutes like Man U and Chelsea did.
  21. Link to Indy Star article. Why Indianapolis? They do have experience with pulling off big events with thousands of people in town: 1) Indianapolis 500 every May. 2) Brickyard 400 every August. 3) Final Four every five years. 4) Women's Final Four every five years beginning in 2011. 5) One new world-class football stadium. This is really a coup for a Midwestern city still considered as boring by many in the national media. But, as David Letterman joked in a top 10 list for why Indy should get the Super Bowl: My mom would throw one kick-ass tailgate party. :lol:
  22. He hasn't, and that may ultimately be the downfall of the NBA. If Donaghy is right (and I'm not saying he is), the problem with the referees is much more widespread than the NBA wants it to be known. It wouldn't surprise me, but I'm not given to believing in conspiracy theories. Even the impression that the NBA refs are not impartial is very damaging to the league.
  23. Link to People article. I've heard over the years that Shania Twain may not be as friendly as she seems, but still, you had a long marriage to one of the most beautiful women in music, whom you had a son with...and you chuck it all away for an affair with the secretary? I know you've made your money, and you made Shania's career, but to do something like that to her and your son? I'm sorry, but I really have to question his motives.
  24. Gee, don't the high schools have dress codes for prom? Like no boobs hanging out of the dresses? Or nothing that would get Beyonce arrested? Steely Dan's right: people think they can pull off such a look. Especially impressionable, celebrity-worshipping young girls. She probably wasn't wearing any underwear either, so she could be just like Britney.
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