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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Tonight...Mary Tyler Moore, and they're supposed to show the Chuckles episode! I had forgotten how attractive MTM was circa 1975. I never thought she was a classic beauty, but she's just so dang cute. Tomorrow...Barney Miller. I wonder if the hash brownies will be on? That's my favorite episode, and I haven't seen it in 25 years. Wednesday...Taxi (Hail Marilu Henner!) Thursday...Welcome Back Kotter. Does Epstein have a note from his mother? Friday...WKRP, so we can all salivate at Bailey. 8:00 - 10:00 Eastern time.
  2. Mine has to be the one with the cat standing on his hind legs praying: "Oh great and powerful can opener, deliver unto me the flesh of the tuna!" Inside: May all your birthday prayers be answered -- with a smaller pic of the cat continuing his prayer, "Please? I'll never touch catnip again!" :rolleyes: Thanks again for the kind wishes, everyone. And thankfully, Bernie's still with us.
  3. I'm so sorry you had to put Wallaby to sleep. And they sure do tug at the heart. Bernie can be sweet when he wants to be (usually when I'm on the laptop, he comes in, chirps like a bird, and then meows at me to rub his belly. Then he bites me.).
  4. Oops, I forgot. HBD to the other two guys I share my birthday with.
  5. I dunno...Megan Fox looked pretty damn hot to me. That Lindsay pic looked like she was pulling her dress up. The slip she was wearing looked too tight to be blown up by a gust of wind.
  6. Thanks all. And I really am 39 today. Hey, this is better than last year. If you all remember, we found Doggie the Miracle Cat dead when Kim and I got home from my birthday dinner. Today, we have Bernie. An orange and white tabby who looks like Morris from the Nine Lives commercials, is twice as big as Doggie ever was, and loves to bite me. He's usually up all night making much mischief. And to top it all off, while Doggie may have been the most intelligent animal I've ever known, Bernie is...how can I put this mildly? Dumber than a box of rocks. But, we love him anyway.
  7. Way to go for your daughter! You obviously did something right.
  8. Woo-hoo! Mind if I join in?
  9. Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure...a terrific movie. I'm convinced Mike Myers used it as a blueprint for Wayne's World.
  10. If Mama wants to walk around the house naked, let her. It's probably her house and Sonny Boy is probably an unemployed loser. There's a Jerry Springer show in here somewhere, I just know it.
  11. You shouldn't be an ass. It's not nice.
  12. Oooh, you had me going there for a moment, Hop Man. Fallon is what he is, and I hope for his sake, he can succeed Conan well. Harvey, well, he's just one of the best. Ever. RIP.
  13. Just that it happened to someone in another state...
  14. Fez, I really like your story. I'm gonna have to remember that one for future clients.
  15. I have to chime in here, because this pisses me off. This is much ado about nothing. You hear me Michelle Malkin? MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. Michelle Malkin's the only conservative in history who went to Oberlin College, so I've gotta wonder about her anyway. What we have here is a picture of an attractive, fortyish talk show host and cooking personality who is wearing a scarf. YOU HEAR ME MICHELLE??? IT'S A FREAKING SCARF!!! You can hate Rachael Ray for any reason, from her manner of speaking to her ubiquitishness (is that even a word?). But this is crap. Crap crap crap crap crap. Dunkin Donuts should have released a statement that said something to the tune of: "We're not pulling the commercial campaign. This is a scarf, and Rachael Ray is employed by us to sell donuts, bagels, and coffee, some of which is the best around. We employ Rachael because millions love her, and we will not be bullied by what a second-rate pundit has to say. Ms. Malkin and others may have the right to say it, but we have the right to call them out on it and give them a wedgie, because what they say is dumb and thinking people make absolutely no connection between Rachael Ray and Islamic terrorism." It is a scarf. Distinctive hate couture, my large white hairy buttocks.
  16. Harvey was far funnier than Jimmy Fallon could ever dream about.
  17. RIP to maybe the best "second banana" ever. I read the Time article about his death online...he had an abdominal aortic aneurysm about four months ago. Bad way to go, IMO.
  18. Very good. I root for the Columbus Crew and Aston Villa myself.
  19. Depends on the laws of the state where you live. In Ohio, the tenant is entitled to a measure of privacy without interference to the enjoyment of the property by the landlord. The terms of the lease must also be studied. If this were Ohio, it sounds to me like she could have a case for damages. Good luck to her.
  20. Color me badd, colour my world, I don't care, just color me!!! (Sorry guys...I'm in a really weird mood today!)
  21. Happy birthday AJ!!! Hope Lana gives you what you want (I mean a beer, dude!)
  22. Because we're human and want to live on this earth as long as possible. Even the Christians. I know where I'm headed, but I don't want to go there quite yet. It's the same reason why people seek out faith healers like Benny Hinn, who I think is nothing but a charlatan...we desire to be whole and healed, here in life, when it is not always God's will to do so. But I'll leave it at that. This is not the place to get all stressed out about religion.
  23. I have a feeling you may be right, but man, what a piece.
  24. Bluefire, you and I are a lot more alike that I initially thought! And I do agree with you and these so-called "life coaches". For me, I think that "life coaches" are a massive waste of time and money, Christian or not. Many people can't deal adequately with life, but I think this is where the support of family and friends has to come in. We all have problems in life; it's how we handle things that's the key. Churches like Hagee's do fleece the gullible. That's why I don't attend nondenominational churches, because there aren't enough checks and balances present. I'm certainly intelligent enough to question things (in fact, my parents, who are Christians themselves, encourage this), and that would make me a danger to those who want unquestioning allegiance and demand authority for their rule.
  25. I don't disagree with you on Hagee. I'm no fan of his and posted here last week that he divorced his wife in the mid-70s and married a woman he allegedly had an affair with. I hope he repented. And that's the last I'll say about it.
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