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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. This might be the most horrible story I've ever read. And it happened on a bus in deepest darkest Manitoba, of all places. Frankly, if I were on that bus, I don't know what I would have done. And neither do any of you. Just because it happened in Canada rather than the states makes it no less horrifying.
  2. Swingers? Really? 1976 called...they want their idea back.
  3. Huh? What? I wasn't listening.
  4. Guess I'm number 4 in the never-ate-at-Mighty-Taco line. No matter. Chipotle's the best Mexican fast food I've ever had, and the nearest one is seven minutes from my office. By foot. The food at Mighty Taco sounds perfect...if you're backed up. Jim's Steak Out, OTOH, just sounds like perfect late-night food. Even though I've never had that either, I do love those steak sandwiches at one in the morning.
  5. I probably will watch little to none of the Olympics. And that's sad to me. In my childhood, I was so disappointed when President Carter boycotted the Moscow Games. In 1976, when I was 7, I watched with so much interest. Bruce Jenner became my hero (a side note...what the hell has happened to Bruce over the last 30 years...from Olympic glory to the step-father of the big-butted Bush's bee-yotch on a second-rate reality show? Michael Phelps, this is a cautionary tale for you.). In 1984, I think I watched just about every minute that ABC broadcast of the games in Los Angeles. Except for the closing ceremony, because my family was on vacation and I didn't have access to a TV that night. Over the last few years, I have grown much more fond of the Winter Olympics...I will watch the hockey games, and have developed an affinity for curling, biathalon, and ski-jumping as well. Can't wait until the Vancouver-Whistler games about a year and a half from now.
  6. Thank you. You are 100% correct. Because the economy is bad (but there has been some good news), I think Obama will probably win. But, if the economy becomes better in the next 3 months, who knows? Moore and Stone think they can preach to the Great Unwashed because they are both rich and hey, they both have Oscars, too. Angelina Jolie has an Oscar. Do you think I give a rat's rump about what she thinks?
  7. I hate to fly to begin with. I've flown into O'Hare before, and once had to spend the night there b/c my flight coming out of Fort Lauderdale was delayed due to weather conditions in Chicago, and I missed my connection back to Cleveland. As for Hartsfield/Jackson, I will never ever fly into Atlanta. Ever.
  8. Huh. I thought the Ground Round had completely shut down.
  9. Coyotes are now becoming common in suburban Cleveland. We also have a big deer problem here. And a black bear was recently spotted in one of the far eastern suburbs. I think it's a part of the continuing urban-ification of America. All the rural land is being built up, and there are less places for wild animals to inhabit than before.
  10. The second one's better, but they're both funny. I do concur with the general view here...we've become a nation of wusses.
  11. No way...but it was all over the news here.
  12. I rarely eat hamburgers out, unless it's Wendy's or at the golf course grill. My dad told me of the joys of eating what he called "cannibal sandwiches" when he was younger. Yes, that's a raw hamburger on a bun, with salt, peper, and onion. Of course, he was in his twenties and my guess is that there was a lot of single malt involved. For the record, Dad stopped drinking at age 26, since his dad "could always find the bottom of a whiskey bottle" (his words) and he didn't want to wind up the same way. Dad is 72 now.
  13. Best potato soup I've ever had. I think it's only the corporate owned Bennigan's that have closed...the franchised ones are apparently still open, according to the article.
  14. Since I was in Marietta recently (my mom grew up in St. Marys, about 20 miles upriver on the WV side), I was able to read the articles in the Parkersburg paper. I fear you're right. Ignatius would probably kill PHS.
  15. Note that this is posted only 25 minutes before the earthquake struck. Perhaps the bobcat knew he needed extra food today.
  16. They have a nickname b/c of their typically high prices. "Whole Paycheck".
  17. Got the KNBC.com news feed on right now...showed a video of a meeting inside LA City Hall when the quake hit. Glad you guys in Southern California are OK.
  18. I remember that the "Ellen" show had a contest for a Quizno's franchise a few years back. The franchise was won by a local family -- the shop opened just down the street from my office in Rocky River. The Quizno's shop closed about a year later.
  19. The merger is official as of today...new name is Sirius XM Radio. Nothing but thumbs up for this one.
  20. Update: Parkersburg finished a strong (and surprising) second in the voting, with 24.4% of the vote. The winner? Valdosta, Georgia. Another small town with an even greater football tradition. Valdosta High has won more football state titles than any other high school and is ranked the #1 HS football team in America. (Parkersburg HS was #7 overall in that same poll). Valdosta received 29.2% of the vote. Boston finished fifth.
  21. I know why you're upset. Because you're not banging her.
  22. That area has really built up over the years, probably because UB is right down the road. I remember being there as a kid in 1981...there was nothing out there except the Marriott and the school. Now, there's quite a bit more there.
  23. Guess I have to stick with Heinen's then.
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