I probably will watch little to none of the Olympics. And that's sad to me.
In my childhood, I was so disappointed when President Carter boycotted the Moscow Games. In 1976, when I was 7, I watched with so much interest. Bruce Jenner became my hero (a side note...what the hell has happened to Bruce over the last 30 years...from Olympic glory to the step-father of the big-butted Bush's bee-yotch on a second-rate reality show? Michael Phelps, this is a cautionary tale for you.).
In 1984, I think I watched just about every minute that ABC broadcast of the games in Los Angeles. Except for the closing ceremony, because my family was on vacation and I didn't have access to a TV that night.
Over the last few years, I have grown much more fond of the Winter Olympics...I will watch the hockey games, and have developed an affinity for curling, biathalon, and ski-jumping as well. Can't wait until the Vancouver-Whistler games about a year and a half from now.