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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Yes. And his younger brother Jake (a tight end) joins him next year.
  2. Ugh. Don't remind me about how bad the Irish were last year. They should be considerably better this year, though.
  3. Oof. You do know Notre Dame's my second-favorite team, don't you? Except when they play the Buckeyes (only three times in my lifetime), I root for Notre Dame. That's largely because I'm Irish.
  4. On my dad's side, his mom died five years ago at 95. His dad died at 63 from years of smoking and heavy drinking. I never knew my grandfather, because he died of lung cancer four years before I was born. When I was a kid, I swore I would never smoke cigarettes since I'm convinced they killed my grandfather. Dad is now 72, same age as McCain. He's still working 45 hours a week, but will retire at the end of the year. He is still very active, however. Earlier this week he and I put in a new ceiling fan at my condo, because we're getting ready to put it up for sale. Sure, he could drop dead, as my dad's had health problems. His blood pressure went sky high in 2001, and he suffers from congestive heart failure, and he's still overweight. But he quit smoking 40 years ago and quit drinking six years before that. Somehow, I think he winds up closer to Grandma's age. The only reason why I state this is because of your argument. I think Dad got Grandma's genes.
  5. No...the first is the Y2K one (Steiner: "Follow me...follow me to freedom!!") The second one is the trade between Sportscenter and Melrose Place...Andrew Shue for Steiner.
  6. I know he does Dodgers games on radio now, but I miss him in the "This is Sportscenter" commercials: Like this one. And this one. Probably because Sydney from "Melrose Place" is in it.
  7. Somehow I don't see Obama or Biden saying this...
  8. Hmmm...does anybody remember the plagiarism scandal that cost Biden a shot at the White House in September 1987? Wikipedia entry. I haven't heard a single word about this to date, so expect the McCain campaign to bring it up. I know it was 21 years ago, but I remember Johnny Carson making jokes about it...like Biden giving a speech closing with "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
  9. I got through about 10 seconds of that before I switched to the Notre Dame fight song.
  10. Any pics? Perhaps involving a black sports bra?
  11. Nice looking chick-e-boom, but her taste in books sucks. White Oleander? Angels and Demons? She can do so much better than that pap.
  12. For a weekend, and if you have a grill, a nice T-bone steak. A bag of potatoes or a box of garlic mashed potatoes. A chocolate cake from the bakery. Labatt Blue or if you're a teetotaler, some tea bags to make fresh brewed iced tea. Nothing better on a hot August day than some cold, fresh brewed iced tea. Coffee. Bachelors always need coffee, for some strange reason.
  13. Faith is the reason. I simply choose to have faith in Christ's return, along with His redemption of my sin and His position as the Son of God.
  14. While I do believe that Christ will come back, I have my doubts as to whether it will occur in my lifetime. I am 39 years old and figure that if I stay healthy, maybe I will live another 50 years or so. People have been waiting for 2,000 years. Nobody looks at the idea that we may have to wait another 2,000 years. Jesus simply told us to watch and be ready. Any Sunday School or CCD student could tell you that. The problem is that when people feel certain that Christ's return must fit within a particular time frame, as you say. God is simply not subject to human whims and desires. Apparently, the time is not ready yet.
  15. Um, it's the Three Men and a Baby boy!
  16. My brain hurts after reading all of that and trying to follow along.
  17. I made that mistake, sad to say.
  18. I suppose then my 2 1/2 year old nephew shouldn't be eating hot dogs either. But he loves them! And he certainly gets enough exercise with all of his running around. Agreed SD, let the parents decide what their kid eats. I tell kids that I'm a living example of what happens when you eat too much sugar as a child.
  19. And Don Cockroft, the Browns' kicker, had missed an extra point and two field goals earlier in the game. A FG was hardly automatic against the Raiders that day...it was so blasted cold.
  20. Toby Keith's politics have always been a bit more complicated than his fans may think. He's even admitted this. He once called himself a conservative Democrat who felt ashamed for his party.
  21. That was sex (well, actually a boob). This is drinking. I like mcjeff's idea...make everything 20. You're a juvenile until you're 20. On your 20th birthday, we'll take you to Wegman's to buy all the Labatt Blue you can handle without puking. Legally. Then, we'll go across the border to the Canadian Ballet.
  22. No. The post immediately above this one explains everything.
  23. Meh...not one of Easterbrook's better analyses.
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