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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. I think I went to Kenyon five times in four years. The town of Gambier is the college...and that's it. At least that's how it was 20 years ago. And IIRC, Gambier is a dry town.
  2. You do realize that Kurt Warner plays for the Arizona Cardinals, right?
  3. RIP. He was born in Cleveland, attended Shaker Heights High and Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio. I attended Mount Vernon Nazarene which was near Kenyon, in the late 1980s. One guy I knew in college said Paul Newman was right behind him in a Mercedes in town one Sunday...this was while his youngest daughter was a student at Kenyon. Someone here talked about his lemonade...yes, it is the best around. He also liked his beer. Have a cold one in his memory. You will be missed, Paul.
  4. My dad lived in Corvallis for several years as a kid, so he's an Oregon State fan. He didn't even know the game was on last night...I had lunch with him and told Dad I was optomistic about the Beavers' chances, since for some weird reason, USC hasn't played well in Corvallis in recent years. I talked to Dad again this morning. He thanked me for telling him the game was on; he watched the whole thing.
  5. I knew it! I read Simmons, got to his Bills section, came here, and guess what topic was at the top of the list? Simmons is funny, but there are times I can't stand what he writes. I think you guys are taking a Pats* fan and Mass-hole way too seriously here. Enjoy the good start and don't worry about what anyone else thinks.
  6. When did the America you grew up in go away? About the same time political correctness started and the humorless sphincter police took control. I don't care if they disrupted the proceedings...that video was very funny and no harm was done. If the school administration wanted to punish the kids, it should have been done in-house.
  7. Ba-dum-bum. You gonna be here all week?
  8. Well then indeed.
  9. Of course it's OK. You're in the bathroom. I've been some places where it's expected and encouraged.
  10. Oh, of course he did. IIRC, Denise Rich had huge hooters.
  11. As of this moment, I've officially seen everything. I know that this idiot who was pulled over probably thought it was very funny, like a 12 year old boy would, but to be charged with battery for farting close to a police officer is ludicrous. The guy is endangering public safety by driving drunk, not by letting one rip. Guess we all gotta watch the Coca-Cola and chili dogs from now on. God forbid we get pulled over.
  12. Here's another news flash: Bills fans like to drink beer.
  13. Dear PETA: you. Love, The Stadium Wall
  14. I love it. It shows how far computers and online software have come in just the past few years. I like PDF as well. Since I do bankruptcy work, I have to file everything online. It's a pain in the butt at first, but after a few cases, you wonder how you ever survived without it. It saves so much time.
  15. But what about Sharon Stone? Markie Post? Mecha-Streisand? (all together now...EWWWWW!)
  16. The problem I have about Clinton's dalliances is he was dishonest about them. He tried to hide his affairs, though probably more from fear of Hillary's wrath more than anything else. The American people have put adulterers in the White House before...FDR, JFK, LBJ, etc. McCain's been very upfront about his affairs. He cheated on his first wife, but according to Carol McCain herself, she and John are still on amiable terms. I honestly feel for Hillary Clinton, since she's been dragged through the mud by Slick Willie so many times.
  17. Brazil has some of the most beautiful women on earth. I really don't blame McCain; it was 1957, he was 21 and unmarried, and an older woman (she's 5 years older than McCain) thought he was attractive. I just don't think there's any point to this article other than the fact that it's somewhat salacious in nature. Somehow, this is news, since McCain's a Republican and all. You know what this incident would be called for a Kennedy? Tuesday.
  18. And this is newsworthy why?
  19. The newscaster was pretty cute. I've always had a thing for Latinas.
  20. God, I hate the Raiders. Hated them ever since that Ice Bowl playoff game in Cleveland. If there's a franchise I want to see bad things happen to, it's the Raiders. Or the Steelers. And that ain't happening in Pittsburgh anytime soon. Oakland's troubles suit me just fine.
  21. Good cartoon...Aaron Rodgers' career in a nutshell.
  22. Do your boobs hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie them in a knot? Or can you tie them in a bow?
  23. Not realizing that he had an Amazon right above him, Mr. Miyagi misses a chance to look up her dress.
  24. That is correct. I think the Indians are trying to expand SportsTime Ohio (their cable TV network) across the Columbus area, and using the Clippers as their top farm club is a pretty good way to do it. This way, the Tribe will have four of their minor-league teams (Columbus, Akron, Lake County, Mahoning Valley) within 2 1/2 hours of Cleveland. Columbus will also have Huntington Park, their brand-new stadium, ready next spring. IMO, the Tribe would be stupid NOT to seek out Columbus. This is a good business move.
  25. Weekend Update has sucked ever since Dennis Miller left. The commercial spoofs used to be really funny (my favorite is the Schmidt's Gay Beer with Sandler and Farley), but those are nowhere near as good today. An exception was a few years back when Tina Fey did one for a "Woomba", a vacuum cleaner for, ahem, female areas. Musical guests? I thought they stopped that after the Ashlee Simpson debacle.
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