Steely, what denomination was your dad in, if I may ask? That makes a lot of difference. It also can be the part of the country you're in. I guess Nebraska's part of the Bible belt. I've never been to the Cornhusker State, so I have no idea.
An example: The United Methodists can be liberal...or conservative. Again, it depends on where you are. The appalling Donald Wildmon (founder of the AFA, an organization that I've had some exposure to) is a United Methodist minister from Tupelo, Mississippi, which of course is the Bible belt. But the hierarchy of the UMC allows gay clergy. Go figure.
I am a devout Christian, as I've said here several times. I've been guilty of saying some things that evangelicals probably shouldn't say. My faith, however, is strong. It is a part of who I am, and believe me, I ask for forgiveness all the time.
Some of the activities of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ embarass me to no end. All I can do is live my faith and go forward.