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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Would I what? God, you're horny today.
  2. Bluefire, I hope you're wrong (of course), but I too fear you're right. The bull has been poked, and the Buckeyes are the first ones in afterwards. Current line is Texas by 9 1/2, and it may go higher. See Dame, Notre.
  3. Jennifer is bigger, but like you say, I'm not so sure she's had implants. Lifted, yes. No doubt. If they're implants, the surgeon did one helluva job.
  4. Oh, my. Did she ever. If you've ever seen a little turd of a movie called Career Opportunities, you know what I mean.
  5. Yeah, I fall for it too, but I'm usually surfing channels after the first hour. I check online the next morning. I do like the candy corn reference...nice!
  6. One of my favorite examples of lack of proofreading in the newspaper: About forty years ago, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, a paper not known for Pulitzer winners, had the following phrase for a night of college basketball games in New York. It came out as the "Madison Square Garden F--- You Classic". Of the handful of callers who phoned the Star-Telegram to complain, one asked, "Is this what you print in your newspaper?" The ombudsman replied, "You should have seen what was in there before we cleaned it up."
  7. You do know she's of the same persuasion as Rachel Maddow, right? But Portia was married to a man at one time. She'd definitely be the female in any lesbian relationship.
  8. @ Poojer. As for that pic, whoa. That cover of Jennifer Aniston stopped me right in my tracks. She's two months away from 40...and she looks better than ever! I have to agree with Steely and Hazed...I thought Jennifer Aniston was hot 15 years ago and I think she's hotter now. I still cannot believe Brad dumped her for the Skank Who Shall Not Be Named.
  9. Thanks, Paul. Good to see Gus again!
  10. Probably just as well.
  11. It's not as dramatic, but Alaska Airlines flies those 737s into some pretty small airports.
  12. Not to toot my own horn, but I come about as close as anyone. And I called Rachel Maddow a carpet muncher today. Nobody born after 1968 cares, Elliot. Including me. Ayres is pushing 65. He ain't gonna be bombing military installations when he has to use a walker.
  13. Honestly? I find her slightly less annoying than Nancy Grace (whose show also gets ratings). But not by much.
  14. From what I heard yesterday, with Blago, it's 5 in the last 50 years. And you're right, the President-Elect had nothing to do with this. Notice that the governor did not speak at Grant Park on Election Night. What Illinois needs is total reform at ALL levels...the US Attorney is trying to do that. But, be careful in anointing Fitzgerald. We all know what Lord Acton warned us about nearly a century ago.
  15. Journalist? Crusader? Bush-hater? Carpet Muncher? Hermaphrodite? Fire away, boys and girls.
  16. Those shows make me laugh, especially ones with that human wart Kevin Trudeau. He's recently been banned by a court order from making infomercials for the next three years. Unless it's a repeat, you won't be seeing him anytime soon. In his natural cures book, Trudeau suggests the practice of dianetics in order to help psychological health. Here's a little tidbit from The Smoking Gun about Trudeau's fraud conviction in the 1990s.
  17. ((buckeyemike promptly faints)) :lol:
  18. Contact a North Carolina attorney. You can do so through the local bar association or lawyer referral service in the county where your wife's sister was living. An attorney in that jurisdiction can determine whether a probate estate needs to be filed. I hope that helps.
  19. Another corrupt politician...they come in both Republican and Democrat. If we would remember that, we'd all be better off.
  20. Hang on Sloopy. Sloopy hang on. O-H-I-O!! GO BUCKS!!
  21. Mmmm...Lena Headey at #3.
  22. I saw the pic and said to myself, "Um, never mind."
  23. The Arizona memorial is one of the five places in the world I want to visit before I die. RIP to the bravest of the brave.
  24. This is NOT where a wiener goes!
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