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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Found guilty...sentenced to 10 hours of community service.
  2. I agree, but what's wrong with hair bands? They did give us Tawny Kitaen in her prime, after all.
  3. A tongue-in-cheek comment on the story stated that the only letters the cat could read on the eye chart were M,E,O and W.
  4. We do have Doggie's ashes. They are in a box on top of our entertainment center. But it's better to hug a real live 16 pound cat.
  5. Link. I love this story...it's out of Great Britain. An almost-blind cat's sight is restored with contact lenses. The cat looks so much like our late Doggie, who passed away on my 38th birthday eighteen months ago...it brought a tear to my eye. And I hugged Bernie this morning after I read the story.
  6. Does hell extradite? I can't tell you that. It's classified. Who knows? You could be right. But will Obama expose all of our governments lies and faults? Or do things stay largely the same? As I said six weeks ago, be prepared to be immensely disappointed. I believe Ken Lay is dead, however. The Reaper got him, as he will get all of us. None of us live forever, although some of the upper echelon like to think they do. You think Elvis is still alive? He would be 74 next month, and with his lifestyle, even if he faked his own death, I think the King would be dead by now anyway. Interesting theory. But how does that explain Martha Stewart? And as far as OJ goes, in retrospect, it was just a matter of time before he did something that brought him real jail time. Kind of like the Clintons grabbing all the silverware and linens before leaving the White House.
  7. Notice that it took a low-rent SEC school that's good only about once a decade (Mississippi State) to hire the first black coach in that conference. It wasn't Alabama or Georgia. The South is certainly changing, largely because most of the racists from the 1960s are dying off, but change is sometimes slower than molasses. And when Sylvester Croom didn't do the job of bringing the Bulldogs back, he was gone. Nothing to do with being black when you're fired. As for Auburn, they aren't exactly progressive. That nitwit Bobby Lowder (google him) still runs the football program, for all intents and purposes. I have no idea what Lowder's racial views are, however. Don't dismiss Barkley's statements here...there is at least a grain of truth present. And this is his alma mater. Charles knows, or should know, what racial feelings are like down there. He's not asking the University of Wyoming why they didn't hire a black coach.
  8. Biggest win for Cleveland State in years. Many of you may remember the run that Cleveland State made in 1986 when they shocked Indiana in the first round. The venue for that game? The Carrier Dome. CSU basketball, which had been in the dumps for years, has markedly improved since hiring former Kent State and Rutgers head man Gary Waters two years ago. Cleveland State won 20 games and went to the NIT last year; their first postseason tourney since 1988. And I know a lot of you are Orange fans on this board...sorry, but this win is huge for my alma mater (law school).
  9. Well, I stand corrected. McDonald just returned an interception 24 yards for a touchdown. That brings the Browns to within 30-10 with a little over nine minutes left.
  10. Either way, just as well. I have the game on the radio; not even watching the turd the Browns are laying. 15+ quarters without a touchdown.
  11. In the interests of sounding somewhat civil and relying upon the strength of your arguments, are you sure that you want to stoop to what you see as their level? Name-calling back and forth solves absolutely nothing. The political discourse (or lack thereof) in this country over the past twenty years or so proves that.
  12. ATF says it's arson...accelerant found near entrances.
  13. Oh, gee. Looks like I started yet another little tiff around here. One million dollars is NOT a lot for a church. My church put on an addition three years ago. It cost $470,000.00 and that was the lowest bid. The church raised almost $600,000.00 to build the addition, which consists of a gym, a kitchen, and sorely needed classroom and restroom space. It doubled the size of the church. The mortgage on the older building was retired with the difference. Total current value of the church building, which is approximately 40,000 square feet: $1.3 million. That's for a church that doesn't have many expensive furnishings, so like I said, it is perfectly plausible that a church could sustain one million dollars worth of damage in a fire. And my church seats only 600.
  14. I actually found a picture of the couch: Linky. Apparently, I have way too much free time on my hands.
  15. In Islam, showing the bottom of your shoe or your foot at someone is the worst possible insult. Muslims consider the feet to be the dirtiest part of the body. It is also why shoes are removed upon entering a mosque. What this guy was doing was insulting Bush. I agree with you guys though -- where was the Secret Service on this one?
  16. To be seen in tomorrow morning's Cleveland Plain Dealer: One of the stranger stories I've read in a while.
  17. You're absolutely right.
  18. Of course hate crimes occur at other places. And your other theory could be correct as well. But I'm afraid we're going to have to agree to disagree on what churches are, or what they are supposed to be. Fred Phelps' church out in Topeka preaches plenty of hate. But I'm not going to burn his church down, even though I think he's a raving lunatic who lashes out because he wants attention. Actually, I was the one who said it could be a disgruntled parishoner. But I'll forgive you for that.
  19. I get what you're saying, but churches are places of peace and hope. Such places should be off-limits. Of course, everyplace should be off-limits to arson, but I believe that churches, synagogues, and other houses of worship have an unlisted exemption to such criminal activity. Burning a church, I believe, is a hate crime. It tells people that the thug who committed the act hates what the church represents and hates the people who worship there. I would go so far as to call it a terrorist act. Webster's defines terrorism as the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes. Thus, the arson of Sarah Palin's church is terrorism. Enough said.
  20. Part of my point is that there were people, including two children, in the church when the fire started. For all I know, it was done by a disgruntled parishoner and has nothing at all to do with Sarah Palin. But, again, the douchebag that did this needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I don't care how much people disagree with what a church teaches or who attends there. I will say it one more time, decent people don't burn down churches. Only complete and total douchebags do.
  21. Of course the items are unrelated. I just wanted to get under Molson's skin a little. And I should have clarified the FORMER cocaine user part. I honestly believe Al Franken when he says he hasn't used cocaine since the late 80s.
  22. Molson, do you really want Al Franken as a United States Senator? Really? Ask yourself that. I'm no fan of Coleman's (I know nothing about the man), but here's what we know about Al Franken: * Bad comedian * Admitted user of cocaine * Writer for SNL during their not-very-funny-years in the early 80s. * Came up with the incredibly annoying Stuart Smalley character, probably because he saw other performers cashing in with much more likable characters. * Bad catchphrase for the Smalley character. * Co-writer of the insipid movie "When a Man Loves a Woman", the only redeeming feature of which would be Meg Ryan at the apex of her cuteness. * Writer of books, including "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot". But, if you want a subliminal message from one of his books, go read "Why Not Me?", a fictional tome in which Al is nominated for President. His running mate? Joe Lieberman. This was written before the 2000 election. In it, President Franken winds up resigning, and at the end of the book, President Lieberman has been hailed as one of the great leaders in American history. Think Franken wants that one back? * When another writer wrote a response to the Limbaugh-idiot book, called "Al Franken is a Bucktoothed Moron", Franken threatened legal action against the author and publisher. * His spats with Bill O'Reilly, another thin-skinned commentator. In other words, the man can dish it out, but he sure can't take it. He's an unbelievable douchebag. I couldn't care less about his political affiliation. Again, are you sure you want this man in the United States Senate?
  23. Link to Washington Post Article We don't know for certain if it's linked to the hatred some have for Sarah Palin. But, I would bet on it, if I were a betting man. I don't care how anyone may feel about her personally. There is dissent, and there is destruction. Decent people don't burn down churches. Period. End of discussion. :unsure:
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