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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. I think that there are a lot of Euros who would love to see this happen. The problem is it won't...not in 2010. If people think the world is unstable now, wait until there is no United States to provide a stabilizing influence. Other countries would love to take the spot of the US at the top of the international food chain. The only one that really has potential to take over as the world's richest nation is China, and the Chinese have never really gotten their act together. But, they may be starting to. This could be the Chinese Century. No country is immune to breakup. We fought one civil war to keep the Union together. Another is possible, but I don't believe we see it happen. Our children could. We are going in the wrong direction as a country, which frightens me. But, according to this scenario, I'll be Canadian anyway, so what's the difference? BTW, WorldNetDaily linked to this earlier this week, which was the first time I'd seen it. WND.com is still pushing that Obama wasn't born in this country, so I dismiss them as a bunch of kooks. They used to be somewhat respectable, but they took a hard turn toward the lunatic fringe. Just remember that, as my dad told me, that everyone has an ax to grind, and doomsday theories will always be with us, right up until Armageddon. Y2K didn't work, so the fringe has to latch on to something else. This is their new thing. Was Y2K really nine years ago? Where does the time go? Next, they will be talking about American concentration camps, which have been rumored on the Internet for at least the past decade. Hmmm...the Nazis built theirs and lost a war in only 12 years. Tell the lunatics to read their history...apparently, American leaders are lazy regarding this.
  2. I was going to say that it had to be settled. We never lost the channels here.
  3. I agree. I posted on here 3-4 years ago after his first post-stroke appearance that I didn't want to remember Dick Clark that way. And I think he now looks every bit of his 79 years. It's very sad.
  4. On a serious note, Happy New Year to you and yours. From me and mine.
  5. I know. I just thought it was funny. It's way past my bedtime. I need a beer to put me to sleep, cause I'm getting slap happy.
  6. The article I read on Yahoo did say 12:01 AM. I can't find the link for it right now.
  7. Hopefully, things will be better. This video is a start. He'll be on a ROLL soon.
  8. As of 12:15 AM, the Viacom stations are still on my Time Warner cable. Either they reached a settlement, or my local system hasn't gotten the memo.
  9. Police Squad...only six episodes on TV, but it gave us three funny movies!
  10. You are obviously trying to do one of two things here: 1) Start a fight. 2) Relieve your boredom. I think it's a little of both.
  11. That's not a moon...that's a space station.
  12. stripper + marriage + sex = STD. It's a simple equation. Most people know this.
  13. 24-40 in four years with the Browns. Surprised? Not at all, in fact I predicted it here a couple of weeks ago. And Savage was fired last night. Starting over again...
  14. The part about the forums is very true. You ought to hear the local talk shows. Some are predicting that Bill Parcells will come here. Why in the world would Parcells come to Cleveland??? Cowher I can understand, at least in part; he did play and coach here. They're not getting Pioli either. This is just a mess...all the way around.
  15. I'm going to make some changes here. See if you can guess which team I'm talking about: Hint: It's a team that's local to me. I'm sure there's some similar sentiment in my hometown tonight.
  16. A lot of them are after Thompson already, because of his handling of the Favre matter. Granted, that could have been done better. By BOTH sides. However, Thompson made the right move. Rodgers had 4,000+ yards passing and 28 touchdowns. He threw only 13 INTs. He stayed healthy. I don't think Aaron Rodgers could have done any better. The whiners in Wisconsin are now rooting for the Jets. Fine. They were Favre fans, not Packers fans, in the first place. A QB gets far too much credit when his team wins and too much blame when his team loses. I wholeheartedly agree. See above response. It's the defense and the failings of the special teams. Two missed FGs away from 8-8, at least.
  17. Yep...the Lions ran the table. In reverse. They hung with the Packers most of the game (tied 14-14 early in the fourth), but a long pass from Rodgers to Driver put it on ice for Green Bay. Imagine this: Packers finish 6-10. Rodgers has 4,000+ yards passing and 28 TDs. Driver had over 1,000 yards receiving. Grant had over 1,200 yards rushing. The Packers scored 419 points, gave up 380. And they still could do no better than 6-10??? Has to be the defense and the special teams in Packerland, cause it sure ain't the offense.
  18. 1) Bravo! 2) I heard on the radio yesterday that both the Atlanta Falcons and the St. Louis Rams want new stadiums. The Georgia Dome opened in 1992. The Edward Jones Dome opened in 1995. So, let me get this straight: the luster apparently falls off of new stadiums after 15 years. What's happening is the team owners are seeing the new palaces going up at the Meadowlands and in Arlington, TX; and now they're jealous. It's like wanting the shiny new Ferrari that the neighbor has when your old Corvette is not only still functional, but very attractive. These stadiums aren't even friggin' paid for yet!!! :angry: 3) The bailout was necessary to save jobs and probably prevent a depression, but I get what you're saying there. New business models need to be made (yesterday) by the automakers. Paying for $8 million dollars worth of commercials to air during the Super Bowl isn't going to do the trick.
  19. This is the first time I've ever heard of something like this actually happening. But, I will give this example from my own family: my aunt stuck herself in the eye with a fork when she was 4 years old. She had to have that eye removed due to infection when she was 40, and she had a glass eye put in. My aunt will be 91 in February.
  20. This is actually a decent point. BTW, in the interests of full disclosure, I'm a Cleveland Indians fan, so naturally I hate the Yankees. And the Bosox too. I don't begrudge the Yankees their success. They are trying to get ahead. My point is, they have that new palace, and the ticket prices have increased so much that the average fans can only go to 2-3 games a year instead of 10. What happens if the economy gets any worse in 2009, or if the economic crisis extends into 2010, and the corporations supporting the Yankees begin to fail? The Yankees will be stuck with smaller crowds and huge contracts.
  21. I think it's the whole electronic-gadget thing. My brother got a Tom-Tom. I said I don't need one, and it's true. If I've been there once, I can find it. I love maps and use Google maps all the time, so I see no need to purchase a GPS.
  22. Weren't you schoolmates with the Son of God?
  23. Uh-oh. Didn't I see this on SNL once?
  24. Wow...and I thought most people here despised Notre Dame. Much more so than Hawaii. Just a little surprised at the reaction, that's all.
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