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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Ask and ye shall receive...pic taken in early 2007, so she's 48 here. I thought Belinda was married to James Mason's son. He's the guy in the Heaven is a Place on Earth video. Mike Marshall (the outfielder, not the goofy 70s pitcher) once missed a 1988 World Series game...with a headache. Yes, that's the same World Series where Kirk Gibson hit a home run after he got out of his wheelchair.
  2. Let it go, man. The great thing about women is they really are like streetcars...there will be a new one around shortly. Life's too short to worry about it. You're young...there are plenty of women in your future.
  3. I'm sorry to hear that. You're my age too. And diabetes runs in my family. I've gotta get my weight down too (I'm 5'8", 220). Godspeed.
  4. "threw a hissy fit and stalked off the field"...HAHAHAHAHA
  5. She was the OTHER music love I had in the late 1980s. If you remember, I really really REALLY liked Belinda Carlisle. I found this little nugget on YouTube of the former Bangles lead singer, apparently not Walking Like an Egyptian: From her bomb of a movie The Allnighter...may be NSFW.
  6. You're right! I do remember that.
  7. 50? 50? 5-0??? Honestly, I never would have guessed. Happy birthday, O Conniseur of Coors and other brands of the brew!
  8. One thing I saw when ESPN was showing the highlights of Harvard's b-ball upset: Harvard had five WHITE kids on the court. At the same time!
  9. Good times. I'm 40 in June. Have a happy day, gents!
  10. Also because many people just like to B word and moan about everything. Message boards are a perfect example of this.
  11. Lay it on, why don't ya.
  12. Ice was a person Everyday on this board Abundant posts he made Trying to be funny all the time. Crossed the moderators he did. Ranting and raving. Aware of this, they finally had enough. Yet he still did more. One more chance they gave. No, then they banned him. Zero was the answer. Guess you gotta read between the lines on what happened. Oh, wait, that was the guy from Indiana? Never mind.
  13. True. And I still think the media ran Belichick out of town. As for Mangini, well, he's probably the best available. There's a LOT of apathy around here at this point. Link to Plain Dealer story.
  14. In honor of Corner Gas and its ending later this year, I have changed my avatar.
  15. Why hasn't MTV or VH1 thought of this yet???
  16. I edited my post and gave you credit for mentioning it.
  17. Corner Gas. I know Dean already talked about it, but I want to add my two cents. I completely fell for that show about a year and a half ago. I have the first three seasons on DVD. Unfortunately, WGN has jerked it around and it is only airing at 1:30 in the morning now...way after my bedtime. It will end airing new episodes this spring...they have ceased production because Brent Butt (the show's creator and star) wanted to go out on top. A total of 107 episodes were done over six seasons. Link to announcement.
  18. She should get the benefits, but just remember: she's 27. She won't be a Hooters waitress at 37.
  19. I had to go to bed early (have a trial scheduled today) and missed the second half. I can't believe that Ohio State hung with the 'Horns as long as they did...and nearly won the game. I thought the signs were pointing toward a Texas blowout.
  20. Yes, it's Amy Ryan. More recently, she had a stint as Michael's nearly perfect-for-him girlfriend (and Toby's temporary replacement) on The Office.
  21. Agree 100%. He's pushing 80 and he seems to get better and better. Granted, I always thought he played pretty much the same character early on, but he has broadened his range. I honestly believe, as a director, there is no one better right now than Clint Eastwood.
  22. What? You pooped in the refrigerator? And you ate the whole... wheel of cheese? How'd you do that? Heck, I'm not even mad; that's amazing. How 'bout we get you in your p.j.'s and we hit the hay. Baxter. One of the five greatest movie dogs. Ever.
  23. I have both seasons of Jericho on DVD...I think it was only 3 (ASA, USA and the Texas Republic), but it doesn't take Alaska and Hawaii into consideration. ASA: Western states, capital Cheyenne. USA: Eastern states, capital Columbus, Ohio. (IIRC)
  24. ...and then the #9 ranked team would be whining and moaning that they didn't get into the playoff. You're not going to satisfy everyone, even if there is a playoff. BTW, I tend to agree with you, Dean. An 8 team playoff, with the existence of the other bowls unaffected, is the way to go.
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