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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. I love my Dodge Avenger, but as I noted here after I bought it in November: my wife and I were the only persons in the dealership that evening from the time we arrived at 7:30. I know Chrysler's doing terribly; I just pray they don't go under.
  2. Today is officially number 50! Happy Birthday to TSW's favorite Bangle.
  3. Thank you for saying so! The man's a musical genius.
  4. I have blond hair with a bit of gray mixed in. My beard is so light that I can get away with an electric razor. I use a Norelco (can't remember the model name) and I think it's fine. I probably wouldn't if my facial hair was darker, though. I had an apartment mate in college whose dark facial hair grew so fast he had to shave twice a day. He finally said screw it and grew a beard.
  5. You're calling the greatest strip club anthem of all time gay? My pick is this one. I'm surprised no one has mentioned her yet, considering she's now a gay icon. Damn Celine Dion! Another one is "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go". Someone already mentioned that, but it reminds me of what Denis Leary said about George Michael: "I figured out he was gay fifteen seconds into that video. It took everyone else fifteen years."
  6. The Chrysler 300 is my dream car.
  7. Me too. Thinking of you, Pooj.
  8. This is the coldest day in Cleveland in 15 years. The skies cleared last night, so the temps plunged further below zero than expected. How are the temps where you are?
  9. Robin Roberts of ABC said she saw the plane crash into the Hudson (or at least the plane in the water immediately after...I didn't catch the whole conversation on the network) from her apartment.
  10. I went to Lambeau Field before they renovated it. In 1998, Lambeau was a surprisingly basic stadium, smaller than I thought it would be. But it's all the intangibles there (real-life "Field of Dreams", history, etc.). I hear that the renovations done earlier this decade have made Lambeau Field the class of the NFL. GOTR said it earlier, and he's right...there are synthetic fibers woven into the famous "Frozen Tundra".
  11. I don't know if KG did it first, but I'm going to the Cavaliers-Hornets game Friday night, so I'll get to see it!
  12. Um, no you don't, Megan. This just proves my theory: a woman can be among the sexiest in the world and deep down inside, she still feels insecure and ugly. I've always wondered why this is, and I've come to the conclusion that it is just how the feminine gender is wired. Nothing more than that.
  13. He tells me in his bedroom voice, Come on honey, let's go make some noise.
  14. Tell Mr. Obama that he needs to make sure those hockey players and episodes of "Corner Gas" keep coming.
  15. Hope to see The Wrestler soon. The trailer alone blew me away.
  16. Tebow should stay. He has a chance to win a second Heisman and a third national championship. It's the right choice. Whether or not he makes it in the NFL is another question, but I think it would be great if a team that is eventually going to need a QB (i.e., the Saints or the Panthers) to take a flyer at him next year. Right now, let him concentrate on trying to become the greatest college player ever.
  17. Gerrie Coetzee makes yet another comeback.
  18. For most men, sadly, it's true. And I think it is for a lot of women as well. That Brad Pitt lookalike turns into John Goodman almost as easily.
  19. Just for that reason I'm rooting for it to happen.
  20. Bravo!!
  21. They just got the news about Brett Favre saying he may retire and not come back...for the 2006 season.
  22. The more I look at Governor Blago, the more he reminds me of Mayor Quimby on The Simpsons. He's even starting to sound like him!
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