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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. You would have to turn in your man card.
  2. Did she actually mix up some words or am I dreaming?
  3. It's that time of year again. This time, it's two of the most storied teams in the NFL. Pittsburgh. Green Bay. This could be the most watched TV show in the history of this country, with so many fans of both teams, who travel extremely well.
  4. Merry Christmas to all, and God bless us, every one!
  5. It's a big building with patients, but that's not important right now.
  6. RIP Mr. Nielsen. One of my favorite actors ever. Did you know that his brother, Erik Nielsen, was a deputy prime minister in Canada from 1984-86?
  7. Nanker, that's the best possible explanation for every single conspiracy theory that I've ever heard. Well done, good sir!
  8. I'm finally going to see TSO in concert, at Quicken Loans Arena, early show. You guys have spoken so well about them over the years that it finally convinced my wife and I to go. I will post later today or tomorrow...looking forward to an awesome show!
  9. Katy Perry has one song I like. And it's not the one you think. It's "Waking Up in Vegas", which is a terrific tune. All her other stuff is crap.
  10. The Packers are owned by stockholders, and no person may amass more than 200,000 shares (out of approximately 4,750,000). Thus, no one person can gain control of enough shares to move the team. They will always remain in Green Bay unless they fold, an unlikely scenario. If they were to fold, the assets go to the Green Bay Packers Foundation, for charitable distribution. The team is governed by a seven member executive committee, chosen by a 45 member board of directors. Further, even in their down years in the 70s and 80s, the Packers sold out at both Green Bay and Milwaukee. The Packers have sold out every home game for fifty years. They have a waiting list of over 80,000 names for season tickets. Really, it was Vince Lombardi that set the whole thing in motion. In the late 50s, prior to Lombardi, most of the NFL wanted the team moved to Milwaukee. Lombardi's success probably prevented an eventual move. And the reason why they stopped playing in Milwaukee was because County Stadium did not have club seats or luxury boxes. By the mid-90s, Lambeau Field had both, and the team was losing money playing @ County.
  11. I never thought my formerly beloved Browns would move. That's why I root for the Packers. I forgave Art Modell 10+ years ago, but I never, ever want that again. And sadly, I think that's where the Bills are headed. Probably Toronto.
  12. I posted the following about my deciding to root for the Packers. Don't hate me. At least it's not the Steelers, Dolphins, Patriots, or even my hometown Browns: Posted 24 December 2008 - 03:44 PM This is one big reason why I'm having a hard time watching the NFL anymore. What we're seeing in Buffalo may eventually kill the franchise...or force it to move. We all know the economic troubles the country is having. And it's much worse in both NE Ohio and WNY. It's also why if I'm going to root for one certain NFL team from now on, it's the Packers, for the following reasons: a) They will never move. I will walk through hell in a gasoline suit before I go through that again (to paraphrase Pete Rose). b) The stadium. Lambeau Field is for REAL fans. All the club seats and luxury boxes are at the top of the stadium, which means the best fans are on top of the action, and the rich people get the crappy seats. c) The tailgating. Simply great, one of the three best in the league (along with Buffalo and KC). d) They seem to be somewhat fan-friendlier than other NFL teams, probably because of the stock ownership setup. The Browns certainly aren't. e) Success in recent years. I think this year's been a blip on the radar screen. f) Great, great history. Only the Bears come close. g) Most of an entire state (and many across the nation) support the team. h) They are more dependent upon the fans than other teams, as most of their supplementary income is through Pro Shop sales (visit their website here.), stadium tours, concessions, and Curly's Pub restaurant at Lambeau, which is open year-round. i) The Packers, in order to increase their income, are looking at purchasing property around the stadium for further development. A hotel/waterpark and parking garages have been discussed if the Packers buy additional surrounding property. All the more to compete with the Cowboys' new palace that Jerry Jones is mortgaging his team for. ij They will never move. k) Stadium is on the fringes of a residential neighborhood, with smart looking ranch houses...similar to OP, but quite a bit more built up. Two blocks from the stadium looks like my hometown of Rocky River, Ohio; except for the green and gold fire hydrants and the signs that say "No Parking on Game Days". l) Bars and restaurants all around, most notably Favre's steakhouse and the Stadium View Bar. m) They will never move. n) A Hall of Fame inside the Lambeau Field Atrium. I went to the old one the only time I was up in Green Bay, in 1998. I hear the new one is much bigger and nicer. o) Did I mention that the team will NEVER, EVER move? Sorry, but that's a big one for me. ...so I will be rooting for Green Bay tomorrow. You can see by my avatar, which was taken at the Packers-Browns game in Cleveland last year. If you had told me in 1990 that I would not be a Browns fan because they had left, I probably would have laughed and said no way. And then there was the Bills. ...and now, to many of you, I am a Packers troll. Despite the fact I've been here almost eight years. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I must really like you people.
  13. This would explain DailyKos and most of the Huffington Post.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ-TmUg3w9o Giggity. May be NSFW though.
  15. So true. I try to be cordial to clients, and friendly to people I know. A sense of humor really helps too. It will break the ice, so to speak.
  16. I'm wondering if that pizza I ate tonight had some hashish buried in it or something. Seriously, I like the new look. It's clean and more modern. I've been hanging around Deadspin a lot. I need to post here more often.
  17. When I first saw that pic, I thought that meth is a hell of a drug. But, to be fair, and after reading the story, she's probably not a meth addict.
  18. Wow dude...good to hear you found out about this. Remember that Reggie White died from sleep apnea, among other things. This was my story about the sleep study I had done last year. Thankfully, I only have to wear a mouthpiece, because my sleep apnea is classified as mild to moderate. P.S. I too wish to hear more Lana stories.
  19. Not a movie, Dean...a new TV show. Monday nights this fall on CBS. One problem: Kono has morphed from a fat Hawaiian dude to a hot Asian chick. How much did I love the theme song of the original? It was the ringtone on my old cell phone, and is on the MP3 on my new one (the complete 1969 Ventures' version).
  20. George Steinbrenner was born in my hometown of Rocky River, Ohio and grew up in nearby Bay Village. Before he bought the Yankees, in 1972 Steinbrenner tried to buy the Indians. He was outbid by Nick Mileti, of all people. Mileti probably got Vern Stouffer, the Indians owner, really drunk one night and convinced him that he'd be the better owner than Steinbrenner. Stouffer was known to have a cocktail or six. If you're familiar with baseball, you know how well that turned out. Steinbrenner was still generous and kept in touch with a lot of people in the Cleveland area. I first heard about 3-4 years ago that the Boss had Alzheimer's. That's why you very rarely saw him in public. FWIW, I believe the story. RIP, George. There will never be another Boss.
  21. It looks like a hybrid mix of golf, lacrosse, and rugby, with some Australian Rules football thrown in for good measure.
  22. Before Game 4 of the NBA Finals. It starts out OK, but it's obvious to me that something is wrong with Anita Baker's voice. I think it's the strain of years of performing. She's over 50 now, and that voice, once marvelous, sounds like it isn't going to last much longer.
  23. For me, the answer is no. God only knows what diseases that cougar's carrying. What did the transgendered crack mean? Hubby can't get it up if he's transgendered? I think he's probably in the closet, and she's not too happy about it. Hence, the cougar goes hunting.
  24. And surprisingly, the Carville-Matalin marriage has lasted a hell of a lot longer than any of Rush's unions. BTW, Limbaugh is an entertainer (IMO, no one does radio better), but I think he believes his politics. And my politics are similar to Limbaugh's (probably even more similar to P.J. O'Rourke's), but I'm more libertarian than Rush. Remember that free people have a right to do what they please, but there is also a duty to accept the consequences of your actions.
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