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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. Faith looks great tonight. And they just introduced the crew from Flight 1549. Nice touch.
  2. Because they're mostly Steelers fans. BTW, did you see Brenda Warner there? She grew her hair long.
  3. You answered your own question. I will not begrudge you that. BTW, they just showed LeBron's State Farm-Browns commercial. His T-shirt says "World Champions" in the ad. Please don't poke the bear like that.
  4. Good man. Last year on Super Bowl Sunday was the best night I've ever seen on this board. For obvious reasons. Even though we lost all of those posts in The Great Stadium Wall Crash of 2008, I still remember my post when Burress caught the winning TD: "My God...did that just happen?!?"
  5. Most Giants fans do. In one form or another.
  6. OK. It's time. Faith Hill's singing alone. No one should sing before an NFL game except Hank Williams Jr. As much as I like to look at Faith Hill, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Temps in the low 60s in Tampa with partly cloudy skies and light wind. I will say I'm rooting for the Cardinals tonight. I HATE THE STEELERS!!
  7. Dibs, shut the up. J/K
  8. Some ask if curling is a real sport. With babes like these, I say yes! Unemphatically, unequivocally, yes. I love to watch curling...it's a game of strategy and touch. And what other sport than bowling is it perfectly OK to drink beer while you're doing it?
  9. Very good show...a long, long way from Malcolm in the Middle.
  10. Didn't James Taylor do a cover? Didn't he see fire and rain when the Edmund Fitzgerald wrecked off the coast of Martha's Vineyard?
  11. The last line of this song was my first sig line when I joined six years ago.
  12. Yes, still at the same place in the Flats. It's one of only three or four places open on the West Bank, so I have no idea how well it's doing. A former client of mine is a bouncer there.
  13. You wanna be my divorce lawyer??? Actually, I don't partake of such places. A lot of them have closed in the Cleveland area, because of the economy and the fact that all you really need these days is a credit card and a high-speed Internet connection. Plus, those skanky dancers can't come anywhere near you online.
  14. Since I was in court all last week, I just wanted to note the following; I never met Mr. Lavelli, but for a long time, he owned a furniture store called Lavelli's, which was located down the street from my office. He retired and closed the store several years back, but I think he still owned the building it was in. There's a sports memorabilia shop there now...which I find fitting. You always knew when he was at the store, because Mr. Lavelli's Cadillac would be parked out front, with the license plates that read, "Mr. Glue". That was for his nickname, "Gluefingers", for his ability to catch any pass thrown within five yards of him. RIP, Mr. Glue.
  15. It's actually spelled "Mons Venus" and it is supposedly the world's most infamous strip club. Do you know where it is? It's on the Dale Mabry Highway, across the street and about three blocks down from Raymond James Stadium. Which means it's on the same side of the street as the Yankees' spring training complex. I saw the place when I was in Tampa a few years back. And no, I didn't go in. My wife was with me. Also, supposedly the only banned activity in the Mons Venus is biting the dancers.
  16. This is a good topic. Seinfeld was the worst ending. I asked my friend, who I was watching it with, "What just happened? I want the last hour of my life back." To this day, I have not watched that episode again. It just wasn't funny. Fraiser kind of confused me. The entire episode, he's on a plane, you think he's headed to a new job in San Francisco and the plane lands in Chicago, where a new woman he likes lives. I had the same reaction as to Seinfeld. Friends? Don't get me started. The more I think about the Sopranos ending, the more I get it. Whoever said it was right; it's been almost two years, and we're still talking about it. Moonlighting just kind of petered out. Thank God we say "jumping the shark" rather than "when David and Maddie did the horizontal rhumba". Cheers? Good ending, even better afterward when most of the actors were drunk on The Tonight Show. Canada's Red Green Show had a terrific ending, over the end credits. The all-time best ending? Newhart. Without question.
  17. Dang, I was gonna post this! It is the one and only Bryan Cox, the one who hated all of you. Link on the hiring of Cox (and other assistants) from the Browns' website.
  18. Mickey Rourke got nominated for "The Wrestler". He won the Golden Globe. Does he have enough to win an Oscar?
  19. I say Warner gets in the HOF, but he's not a first-ballot. He will have to wait. Warner is one of only a handful of players to win two MVP awards. His comeback, as well as the way he started his career, is what they write scripts about in Hollywood. Can you name the only other QB to lead two different teams to the Super Bowl? He's not in the Hall. It's Craig Morton (Dallas in SB V, Denver in SB XII).
  20. Wow. Never thought I'd see the Arizona Cardinals -- the Arizona freakin' Cardinals -- in the Super Bowl. I will be rooting for them in the Super Bowl, because I hate both the Steelers and the Ravens, for obvious reasons.
  21. Out of bounds at the 7. 9 seconds to go.
  22. My Lord. (((shakes head))) It looks like the Cardinals are headed to Tampa.
  23. 4th and 10. Is the Apocalypse near?
  24. Arizona's been playing with the house money this entire postseason. Will McNabb lead a drive for the ages here? It's 3rd at 10 with 2:01 to go.
  25. It does count, but it's a good movie nonetheless. I fully admit to being a fan of "Sleepless in Seattle", which I thought was a good romantic movie to watch with a woman you want to be with. "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" is another good one...Kim loves that movie.
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