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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. No. We like you guys. If you're not looking for a fight, we aren't either.
  2. I live here -- there's been a lot of complimentary coverage about the Bills all week. Browns fans actually like Bills fans -- there are a lot of similarities between the towns, even though Cleveland is bigger and has MLB and NBA teams. But one of the real reasons why Cleveland fans and Buffalo supporters seem to get along real well is because when the Browns were on their Modell-led hiatus, Bills fans embraced us. We haven't forgotten. This is the Browns best early-season chance for a win, but I don't think it happens. The Browns could be looking at 0-5 in a couple of weeks. 20-17 Bills.
  3. It's always possible. I live in Cleveland. We NEVER thought it was possible.
  4. I am convinced this is why Sofia Vergara is so popular. Remember women: you lose weight in your chest first. We don't want that.
  5. Terrific commercial!
  6. Agree fully. This USADA dude seems to have a hard-on for LA. Hope it was worth it, pal.
  7. Skip Bayless has ALWAYS been an asshat. I have read his books on the Cowboys -- he did a hatchet job on Tom Landry in God's Coach. And that was more than two decades ago, when he was far less known than he is now.
  8. Brady has Gisele in his hotel room. I think he's fine.
  9. It was a great game. And that's all that really matters. Although the night of Super Bowl XLII was the best night I've ever seen on this board. Too bad the crash deleted those posts.
  10. And here I was, saying the commercials are better than last year. Guess I'm wrong.
  11. That tax commercial made my Dad laugh out loud. And he's a tough audience.
  12. I took the online test too. I don't think I did very well. I made it to the second round of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire tryouts in Cleveland about 10 years ago, but I didn't get a call back.
  13. I had to find the retatta thread after I stopped laughing. I hadn't read it in over a year.
  14. Agree on both points, unfortunately. Buffalo needs the Bills, perhaps more than any other NFL city.
  15. Thanks JoeF -- CBS Sports now has it front and center on its website. Nothing on ESPN yet. If this is true, RIP and a sad, sad ending to JoePa's life. This could be the reverse Jim Valvano. I've said for years that it only matters what you do in the last year of your life, because that's how you'll be remembered. Valvano by many accounts was not that good of a person until his cancer diagnosis. Paterno made a whopper of a mistake, and unfortunately, that's how he will be remembered.
  16. Reports are that Paterno has passed away; nothing confirming on ESPN or CBS Sports' website yet.
  17. IIRC, this happened in the very first episode of The Simpsons. Bart got a tattoo, and Marge had to spend the Christmas money getting it lasered off.
  18. See: Browns, Cleveland circa 1995. Cleveland built a new stadium that gets used about 11 times a year. It's a white elephant (with orange seats) on the city's lakefront. Since Cleveland's my hometown and I can honestly say that I've experienced losing a football team, I say spend the money now and renovate the Ralph. Lock the Bills in to at least a 15 year lease renewal, and more if possible. Because once you lose the team, it's hell getting it back. At this point, with the annual 11 and 12 loss seasons (as well as the stadium's drain on the city's finances), I'm almost convinced Cleveland would be better off if the town hadn't sought a replacement team.
  19. It's sad. I'm reminded of Bear Bryant...retires and four weeks later, he's dead.
  20. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
  21. This is correct. Actually, it's Falwell's son who has helped turned the tide at Liberty. Jerry Falwell Jr. is the schools chancellor, and a lawyer who appears to have a much better head for business than his dad did. They want to go FBS in the next few years, and have announced a feasibility study. Liberty was 7-4 this past season, almost made the FBS playoffs, and hired Gill only because their old coach, Ken Rocco, went to Richmond.
  22. When you're worth nine figures, chest waxes or undershirts aren't necessary. BTW, the head looks photoshopped to me.
  23. Happy belated natal! What did I miss?
  24. Two quick scores and it's 14-0 Packers. Wow.
  25. At this point, nobody's topping Whitney in Tampa. Ever.
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