This chick needs a large dose of reality, and quickly.
First of all, she's afraid of being childless. She's 36 years old. Last time I checked, 36 year old women can still get pregnant. If she weren't so busy spending the cash on herself, she could look into artificial insemination or find some buff 22 year old college student who's looking for a cougar.
Second, this paragraph just makes me angry:
The American economy is in ruins, people are starving all over the world...and this b!&%^ wants it all to herself.
You can only live in one place at a time...choose one!
Ever hear of Target or consignment shops for your clothing?
Where the heck is she eating? Morton's every night?
Sorry if you don't want to live like 99.99999999% of the rest of the world...but I know for a fact that I could live very nicely on $43 million, giving much of it to charity, put the rest in conservative investments and live off the interest for the rest of my life...and probably have everything I've ever wanted or needed in the meantime.