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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. I loved that book as a kid too. Amazing that it's only 10 sentences long, according to its Wikipedia entry.
  2. OK. I was wondering why it didn't rhyme.
  3. Unless the team is going to shoot these 4,800 calorie burgers down people's throats with a high-powered air hose, I'm not gonna worry about it. And you know why, my friend? Freedom of choice. I can choose to have one of those artery cloggers, or I can choose to eat brats. Or eat nothing at all. Or drink all the beer I can stomach. No one makes those decisions on what to eat but you. And only you.
  4. And apparently, it's next week's People Magazine cover! She's 48?!? I wonder what kind of touch-ups were done to the photo...there had to be some, right?
  5. Note that this was made in 1941, before the US was involved in the war, and the year after "The Great Dictator", IMO one of the best films ever made, was released. And, as most of us know, Larry, Curly and Moe were all Jewish.
  6. Why does Hollywood always feel the need to mess with a good thing? And the Three Stooges are one of the best things of all. You can find some clips on YouTube.
  7. This is true. Remember that there is no 20 year period in American history where stocks have lost money.
  8. Heck, that makes me like her MORE.
  9. Good point!
  10. My brand-new Facebook page. And by the way, what is Twitter? And why is it tweeting, as opposed to twitting?
  11. The only reason I know about Muncie is because David Letterman went to Ball State. I know more about Terre Haute and Indiana State b/c 1) Larry Bird, and 2) a friend of mine from college. His twin sister went to ISU.
  12. I thought that's why Obama was elected. Man, that was too easy.
  13. BTW, he's up on the VIP floor at the Cleveland Clinic. My wife is an RN at the Clinic, but not on the VIP floor.
  14. Well, the Vikings gave it a run, but the Arizona Wildcats were just too strong for them. Great year though. CSU will be back in the future. Gary Waters is building something good on Prospect Avenue. Go Vikes!
  15. Jayson Gee's on the front page of this morning's Plain Dealer, front and center, on the bench, celebrating. Unfortunately, I can't pull up the pic on cleveland.com.
  16. I went to law school at Cleveland State (Juris Doctor, class of 1994). I was a student there when the Wolstein Center, CSU's home arena, opened. I couldn't really expound on how I felt in my prior post because a) It was 4:30 in the morning and I couldn't sleep, and b) I posted from my Sprint Instinct, which only allows 200 characters. But I will do it here. One thing I do want to note: since Cleveland State and Ohio State played at the same time last night, the CSU game was on another station here that's affiliated with Cleveland's CBS station. So, both games were on. Unfortunately, since the CSU-WF game wasn't close down the stretch, the feed was switched to another, closer game sometime around midnight. That wasn't the station's fault, that was the decision at CBS. But no one here got to watch the celebration unless they were watching it online. But really, that's a minor quibble. And BTW, like I said with Indiana, I never want CSU to play Wake Forest again. That way, we'll always be 1-0 against them. Cleveland State plays Arizona tomorrow. GO VIKINGS!!
  17. I have watched many CSU games over the last 25 years. But, with this huge, decisive win over Wake Forest...well, words fail me right now. Cinderella has returned. GO VIKINGS!!
  18. Oh great. It's back. Let it die, man.
  19. I wondered why they had Gary Busey there. I thought he'd be an unmitigated disaster. The guy absolutely killed. I could not believe how good Busey was...he even poked fun at himself. Busey's part...also NSFW.
  20. RIP. Those boys will enter their teen years without a mother, which is the saddest thing of all.
  21. 11-5. Not very good, but I went 15-17 in the first round last year.
  22. Look it up. Fortunately, I can say that I married for love. I married the one person I knew I couldn't live without. It will be ten years in September.
  23. An argument can certainly be made for McQueen, Paul Newman, and Jimmy Stewart. The purpose of this list is those who are popular currently.
  24. John Wayne. Denzel is at #1, Clint Eastwood is second. This just shows how iconic John Wayne was. Although he played the same character in many of his movies, some of his later work was his best (True Grit, for which he won his only Oscar in 1969, and his final role in The Shootist in 1976, when he knew he was dying). America could sure use a John Wayne in the movies right now. Eastwood's the closest we have, and he can't go on forever.
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