I went to law school at Cleveland State (Juris Doctor, class of 1994). I was a student there when the Wolstein Center, CSU's home arena, opened.
I couldn't really expound on how I felt in my prior post because a) It was 4:30 in the morning and I couldn't sleep, and b) I posted from my Sprint Instinct, which only allows 200 characters.
But I will do it here.
One thing I do want to note: since Cleveland State and Ohio State played at the same time last night, the CSU game was on another station here that's affiliated with Cleveland's CBS station. So, both games were on. Unfortunately, since the CSU-WF game wasn't close down the stretch, the feed was switched to another, closer game sometime around midnight.
That wasn't the station's fault, that was the decision at CBS. But no one here got to watch the celebration unless they were watching it online. But really, that's a minor quibble.
And BTW, like I said with Indiana, I never want CSU to play Wake Forest again. That way, we'll always be 1-0 against them.
Cleveland State plays Arizona tomorrow. GO VIKINGS!!